usb rtl code, to fpga or asic

源代码在线查看: usb_new_pvci_cntrl_rtl.vhdl

软件大小: 154 K
上传用户: eeworm
关键词: code asic fpga usb
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				--   P H I L I P S  C O M P A N Y  R E S T R I C T E D
				--  Copyright (c) 1998.                    
				--  Philips Electronics N.V.
				--  Philips Semiconductors
				--  Interconnectivity and Processor Peripherals group
				--  Bangalore, India
				--  All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited
				--  without the written permission of the copyright owner.
				--  File            : usb_new_pvci_cntrl_rtl.vhdl 
				--  Module          : PVCI_CONTROLLER
				--  Project         : VPB bus interface to USB1.1 device (USBFS22)
				--  Author          :              
				--  Description     : The architecture of  PVCI controller  block. This module 
				--                    does address decoding.
				--  Contact address :
				library IEEE;
				use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
				use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
				library work;
				use work.PCK_GENERAL.all;
				library work;
				use work.PCK_APB.all;
				architecture RTL of PVCI_CNTRL is
				  signal Error_I:   one_bit;
				  r_data  				  Wr_data 				  
				  -- Grant generation
				  -- Generation of Read and Write signals for the registers in USB slave block
				  -- by address decoding
				  Write_Intr_Enable  				                                  and req = '1') else '0';
				  Write_Intr_Clear   				                                  and req = '1') else '0';
				  Write_Intr_Set     				                                  and req = '1') else '0';
				  Write_Cmd_Code     				                                  and req = '1') else '0';
				  Write_Transmt_Data 				                                  and req = '1') else '0';
				  Write_TxPkt_Lngth  				                                  and req = '1') else '0';
				  Write_Usb_Cntrl    				                                  and req = '1') else '0';
				  Write_Fiq_Sel      				                                  and req = '1') else '0';                                  
				  Read_RxPkt_Lngth   				                                  and req = '1') else '0';
				  Read_Intr_Status   				                                  and req = '1') else '0';  
				  Read_Intr_enable   				                                  and req = '1') else '0';
				  Read_Cmd_Data      				                                  and req = '1') else '0';
				  Read_Receive_Data  				                                  and req = '1') else '0';
				  Read_Usb_Cntrl     				                                  and req = '1') else '0';
				  Read_TxPkt_Lngth   				                                  and req = '1') else '0';
				  -- Error generation when the address is not correct
				  Error_I  USB_MAX_ADDRESS and req = '1') else '0';
				end RTL;
