源代码在线查看: usb_new_tx_sf_dpdm_rtl.vhdl
---- File >>> usb_new_tx_sf_dpdm_rtl.vhdl
---- Iden >>> 970529-14:36:08
---- Project: USB Development
---- Customer: Philips_ITCL
---- Module: architecture RTL of entity TX_SF_DPDM
---- Written by: Usb User (e-mail: usb@easics.be)
---- Easics nv
---- Kapeldreef 60
---- B-3001 Leuven
---- Belgium
---- Tel +32-16-298.400
---- Fax +32-16-298.319
---- e-mail: vhdl@easics.be
---- Creation Date: Thu, 29 May 1997
---- Purpose:
---- Revision history:
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
library work;
use work.PCK_GENERAL.all;
use work.PCK_USB.all;
use work.PCK_SETUP.all;
architecture RTL of TX_SF_DPDM is
UP_DP (SIE_TxLogValue = USB_LOG_J and GetDeviceSpeed(ConfigArray) = USB_FULL_SPEED) or
(SIE_TxLogValue = USB_LOG_K and GetDeviceSpeed(ConfigArray) = USB_LOW_SPEED) or
(SIE_TxLogValue = USB_LOG_SE1_OR_Z));
UP_DM (SIE_TxLogValue = USB_LOG_K and GetDeviceSpeed(ConfigArray) = USB_FULL_SPEED) or
(SIE_TxLogValue = USB_LOG_J and GetDeviceSpeed(ConfigArray) = USB_LOW_SPEED) or
(SIE_TxLogValue = USB_LOG_SE1_OR_Z));
end RTL;