
源代码在线查看: usb_new_device_handler_ent.vhdl

软件大小: 254 K
上传用户: ct511ct
关键词: verilog VHDL USB 接口功能
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				---- File >>> usb_new_device_handler_ent.vhdl 
				---- Iden >>>							980318-11:12:45
				---- Project:           USB Developement
				---- Customer:          Philips_ITCL
				---- VHDL Design Unit:  entity DEVICE_HANDLER
				---- Written by:        Usb User
				----                    Easics nv
				----                    http://www.easics.com      
				----                    mailto: vhdl@easics.be
				---- Creation Date:     Wed, 18 Mar 1998
				---- Purpose:
				---- Revision history:
				library IEEE;
				use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
				use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
				library work;
				use work.PCK_GENERAL.all;
				use work.PCK_USB.all;
				use work.PCK_HANDLERS.all;
				use work.PCK_CONFIGURATION.all;
				use work.PCK_SETUP.all;
				entity DEVICE_HANDLER is
				  generic (
				       ID: integer := 0
				  port (
				       ------------- Connection to SIE Interface --------------
				       DataToHandlers: in T_SIE_to_Handlers;         -- SIE -> Handler
				       DataFromHandlers_In:    in  T_Handlers_to_SIE;-- Handler -> SIE loop in
				       DataFromHandlers_Out:  out  T_Handlers_to_SIE;-- Handler -> SIE loop out
				       ------------- Connection to uC Interface --------------
				       DataFromUC:     in T_UC_to_Handlers;          -- uC -> Handler
				       DataToUC_In:    in T_Handlers_to_UC;          -- Handler -> uC loop in
				       DataToUC_Out:   out T_Handlers_to_UC;         -- Handler -> uC loop out
				       --------------- Soft Connect ---------------
				       VBusAvailable:  in boolean;                   -- VBus is available
				       DH_Connect:     out boolean;                  -- Resistor Switch Control
				       TM_1kHzPulse:   in one_bit;                   -- 1 kHz clock for debouncing
				       ------------ Configuration Info ------
				       ChipID:         in S_ChipID;                  -- Chip ID
				       ConfigArray:    out S_ConfigArray;            -- Configuration Info
				       PINConfigArray: in  S_PINConfigArray;         -- Configuration Info from pins
				       ------------- Device State ------------
				       --DH_Interrupt:        out boolean;   -- Change Notification to uC
				       RG_SetSE0Int:         in boolean;   -- Received bus reset
				       TM_Suspend:           in boolean;   -- Device is suspended
				       TM_RemoteWakeupEvent: in boolean;   -- There was remote wake up
				       DH_Interrupt_Ep0:    out boolean;   -- Change Notification to uC
				       DH_Interrupt_Ep1:    out boolean;   -- Change Notification to uC
				       DH_Interrupt_Ep2:    out boolean;   -- Change Notification to uC
				       DH_Interrupt_Ep3:    out boolean;   -- Change Notification to uC
				       DH_Interrupt_Ep4:    out boolean;   -- Change Notification to uC
				       DH_Interrupt_Ep5:    out boolean;   -- Change Notification to uC
				       DH_Interrupt_Ep6:    out boolean;   -- Change Notification to uC
				       DH_Interrupt_Ep7:    out boolean;   -- Change Notification to uC
				       DH_Interrupt_Dev:    out boolean;   -- Change Notification to uC
				       ---------------- System -------------------	
				       FsClk:          in one_bit;                   -- Bit Clock
				       PUReset_N:      in one_bit                    -- Power On Reset
