-- P H I L I P S C O M P A N Y R E S T R I C T E D
-- Copyright (c) 1998.
-- Philips Electronics N.V.
-- Philips Semiconductors
-- Interconnectivity and Processor Peripheral group
-- Bangalore,India
-- All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited
-- without the written permission of the copyright owner.
-- File : usb_new_synchronizer_ent.vhdl
-- Module : Synchronizer
-- Project : VPB bus Interface to USB 1.1 Device(USBFS22)
-- Author :
-- Description : The entity of synchronizer block
-- Status :
-- Contact address :
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
library work;
use work.PCK_GENERAL.all;
use work.PCK_HANDLERS.all;
library work;
use work.PCK_APB.all;
-- Interface to EP_HANDLER modlue
Trans_Enable: in one_bit; -- Data transfer enable
Read: in one_bit; -- '1' read data
EP_number: in Int_EndPointType; -- Physical endpoint number
Data_Out: in byte; -- Data bus for OUT endpoints
End_Transfer: in one_bit; -- End of transfer for packet data
EndTransfer_Cmd: in one_bit; -- End of transfer for command data
USBEp0Intr_Set: in one_bit; -- USB Ep0 interrupt
USBEp1Intr_Set: in one_bit; -- USB Ep1 interrupt
USBEp2Intr_Set: in one_bit; -- USB Ep2 interrupt
USBEp3Intr_Set: in one_bit; -- USB Ep3 interrupt
USBEp4Intr_Set: in one_bit; -- USB Ep4 interrupt
USBEp5Intr_Set: in one_bit; -- USB Ep5 interrupt
USBEp6Intr_Set: in one_bit; -- USB Ep6 interrupt
USBEp7Intr_Set: in one_bit; -- USB Ep7 interrupt
USBDevIntr_Set: in one_bit; -- USB Dev interrupt
USBToggleBuffer: in T_ToggleArray; -- USB buffer toggle
UCToggleBuffer: in T_ToggleArray; -- UC buffer toggle
FullBuffer_UC: in T_Full; -- Buffer full for endpoints
PI_IsoToggle: in integer range 0 to 1; -- ISO buffer toggle
RxError: in boolean; -- Error in packet transfer
reg_ram_read: in one_bit; -- Start of IN transfer
reg_ram_tag: in Int_EndPointType; -- Physical endpoint number
CommandData: in byte; -- Command data
CmdDataValid: in boolean; -- Command data valid
CmdAccept: in boolean; -- Handshake signal for Command accepted
CommandCodeChannel: out eleven_bits; -- Command code
CmdCodeValid_Out: out boolean; -- Command code valid
If_Busy: out boolean; -- Interface busy
-- Interface to USB_CNTRL module
CommandCode: in eleven_bits; -- Command code
CmdCodeValid: in boolean; -- Command code valid
CmdAccept_Out: out boolean; -- Command code accepted
CommandDataChannel: out byte; -- Command data
CmdDataValid_Out: out boolean; -- Command data valid
USBEp0IntrSet: out one_bit; -- USB Ep0 interrupt
USBEp1IntrSet: out one_bit; -- USB Ep1 interrupt
USBEp2IntrSet: out one_bit; -- USB Ep2 interrupt
USBEp3IntrSet: out one_bit; -- USB Ep3 interrupt
USBEp4IntrSet: out one_bit; -- USB Ep4 interrupt
USBEp5IntrSet: out one_bit; -- USB Ep5 interrupt
USBEp6IntrSet: out one_bit; -- USB Ep6 interrupt
USBEp7IntrSet: out one_bit; -- USB Ep7 interrupt
USBDevIntrSet: out one_bit; -- USB Dev interrupt
FrameIntr_Set: out one_bit; -- Frame interrupt
EndTransfer_Cmd_D: out one_bit; -- End of transfer for command data
-- Interface to RCV_RAM module
RxDataAccepted: in boolean; -- Handshake: OUT EP data accepted
RxCore_Data: out byte; -- Data for OUT endpoints
EP_number_Out: out Int_EndPointType; -- Physical endpoint number
End_Transfer_D: out one_bit; -- End of transfer for endpoint data
RxError_Out: out boolean; -- Error in data packet
USBToggleBuffer_Out: out T_ToggleArray; -- USB buffer toggle
UCToggleBuffer_Out: out T_ToggleArray; -- UC buffer toggle
FullBuffer_EP: out T_Full; -- Buffer full for endpoints
PI_IsoToggle_Out: out integer range 0 to 1; -- ISO buffer toggle
-- Interface to TRNSMT_RAM module
Read_Data: out one_bit; -- Read data from RAM
start_in_tx: out one_bit; -- Start of IN transfer
TxDest_Endp: out Int_EndPointType; -- Physical endpoint number of IN
-- Clock and Reset from system
clk: in one_bit; -- APB bus clock
pvci_reset_n: in one_bit -- APB bus Reset