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  • 数组子系统

    #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define SMAX 100 typedef struct SPNode { int i,j,v; }SPNode; struct sparmatrix { int rows,cols,terms; SPNode data [SMAX]; }; sparmatrix CreateSparmatrix() { sparmatrix A; printf("\n\t\t请输入稀疏矩阵的行数,列数和非零元素个数(用逗号隔开):"); scanf("%d, ...


    标签: 数组 子系统

    上传时间: 2020-06-11


  • C++1000以内的素数

    #include<iostream> using namespace std; int s=0;&nbsp; int prime(int x){ int i,p=1; for(i=2;i<=x/2;i++){ if(x%i==0){ p=0; break; } } if(p!=0){ cout<<x<< " "; s++; } }&nbsp; int main(){ for (int k=5;k<=100;k++){ prime(k); if(s%5==0) cout<<'\n'; } return 0; } ...


    标签: C++

    上传时间: 2020-06-30


  • stdafx.h

    --stdafx.h中没有函数库,只是定义了一些环境参数,使得编译出来的程序能在32位的操作系统环境下运行。 windows和mfc的include文件都非常大,即使有一个快速的处理程序,编译程序也要花费相当长的时间来完成工作。由于每个.cpp文件都包含相同的include文件,为每个.cpp文件都重复处理这些文件就显得很傻了。 为避免 ...


    标签: stdafx

    上传时间: 2021-05-19


  • STM32F407VGT6精确脉冲控制步进电机源码

    STM32F407VGT6精确脉冲控制步进电机源码,采用STM32F407VGT6芯片,抛弃单脉冲输出方式,直接使用普通PWM输出方式精确输出脉冲个数,每个脉冲都可以改变频率和占空比。PWM+中断,简单粗暴。#include "sys.h"#include "delay.h"#include "pwm1.h"#include "pwm2.h"#include "pwm3.h"//注释见pwm1.c文件extern int count2;int m ...


    标签: stm32f407vgt6 脉冲控制 步进电机

    上传时间: 2021-10-26


  • 矩阵式键盘

    include<reg52.h> #define uint unsigned int #define uchar unsigned char uint temp,aa,wang,qian,bai,shi,ge; sbit dula=P2^6; sbit wela=P2^7; uchar code table[]={ 0x3f,0x06,0x5b,0x4f, 0x66,0x6d,0x7d,0x07, 0x7f,0x6f,0x77,0x7c, 0x39,0x5e,0x79,0x71}; void display( uint wa ...


    标签: 矩阵式键盘

    上传时间: 2021-12-18


  • PW4055_2.0.pdf规格书下载

    The PW4055 is a complete constant-current /constant-voltage linear charger for single cell lithiumion batteries.Its ThinSOT package and low external component count make the PW4055 ideallysuited for portable applications.Furthermore, the PW4055 is specifically designed to work within USBpower specif ...


    标签: pw4055

    上传时间: 2022-02-11


  • Agilent 34401A Service Guide.pdf

    Agilent 34401A Service Guide.pdfIEC Measurement Category II includes electrical devices connected to mains at an outlet on a branch circuit. Such devices include most small appliances, test equipment, and other devices that plug into a branch outlet or socket. The 34401A may be used to make measurem ...


    标签: agilent

    上传时间: 2022-02-20


  • Ansoft0MaxwellV12电机瞬态分析教程

    This Getting Started Guide is written for Maxwell beginners and experienced users who would like to quickly re familiarize themselves with the capabilities of MaxwelL.This guide leads you step-by-step through solving and analyzing the results of a rotational actuator magnetostatic problem with motio ...


    标签: ansoft maxwell

    上传时间: 2022-03-10


  • 电子书- 十天学会单片机实例100.pdf

    电子书-十天学会单片机实例100.pdf//实例 4:用单片机控制一个灯闪烁:认识单片机的工作频率 #include<reg51.h> //包含单片机寄存器的头文件 /**************************************** 函数功能:延时一段时间 *****************************************/ void delay(void) //两个 void 意思分别为无需返回值,没有参数 ...


    标签: 单片机

    上传时间: 2022-03-19


  • arduino电子秤程序

    HX711_1Kg#include "HX711.h"float Weight = 0;void setup(){ Init_Hx711(); //初始化HX711模块连接的IO设置 Serial.begin(9600); Serial.print("Welcome to use!\n"); delay(3000); Get_Maopi(); //获取毛皮}void loop(){ Weight = Get_Weight(); //计算放在传感器上的重物重量 Serial.print(float(Weight/1000),3); / ...


    标签: arduino 电子秤

    上传时间: 2022-03-20
