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  • LED电压表源代码

    #include "stm8s103f.h" #include "LEDBL.h" #include "UART1.h" #include "LCD1621.h" //#include "KEY.h" #define uchar unsigned char #define uint unsigned int _Bool KEYC @PB_IDR:4;//COPY _Bool KEYP @PC_IDR:6;//POW uint ShowMode = 1;


    标签: LED

    上传时间: 2016-03-23


  • c语言程序源

    #include <iostream> using namespace std; class Student { public: Student(int, int); int num; int grade; }; Student::Student(int n, int g) { num = n; grade = g; } int maxGradeIndex(Student* s) { int maxGrade, index = 0, i = 0; maxGrade = s[0].grade; for (i = 0; i<5; i++) { if (s[i].grade > maxGrade) ...


    标签: c语言 程序

    上传时间: 2016-04-23


  • 舵机电机PID控制算法

    #include <hidef.h>&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;/* common defines and macros */ #include "derivative.h"&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;/* derivative-specific definitions */ #include <mc9s12xs128.h> //定义PID参数 #define VV_KPVALUE 3&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; //比例 #define VV_KIVALUE 40&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbs ...


    标签: PID 舵机 电机 控制算法

    上传时间: 2016-04-27


  • 离散实验 一个包的传递 用warshall

    &nbsp;实验源代码 //Warshall.cpp&nbsp;#include<stdio.h>&nbsp;void&nbsp;warshall(int&nbsp;k,int&nbsp;n)&nbsp;{&nbsp;int&nbsp;i&nbsp;,&nbsp;j,&nbsp;t;&nbsp;int&nbsp;temp[20][20];&nbsp;for(int&nbsp;a=0;a<k;a++)&nbsp;{&nbsp;printf("请输入矩阵第%d&nbsp;行元素:",a);&nbsp;for(int&nbsp;b=0;b<n;b++)&nbsp;{& ...


    标签: warshall 离散 实验

    上传时间: 2016-06-27


  • 红外遥控RGB

    #include "STC90.h" #include < intrins.h > #define uchar unsigned char #define uint unsigned int #define led_port P1 sbit IR_RE = P3^2; sbit led_r = P1^3; sbit led_g = P1^4; sbit led_b = P1^5; sbit led_wd = P1^7; sbit K1 =P3^0 ; //增加键 sbit K2 =P3^1 ; ...


    标签: RGB 红外遥控

    上传时间: 2016-07-02


  • 调光C程序

    /*#include<reg52.h> #define uint unsigned int #define uchar unsigned char #define uchar unsigned char sbit K1=P3^4; sbit K2=P3^5; sbit ledr=P1^0; sbit ledg=P1^1; sbit ledb=P1^2; bit LEDDirection=0;//LED控制方向0:渐亮1:渐灭 char &nbsp;pwm=0; char &nbsp;pwmr=0; char &nbsp;scw=0;//中断记数 char &nbsp ...


    标签: 调光

    上传时间: 2016-07-02


  • 32feet.NET 3.5 Bluetooth coding

    32feet.NET is a shared-source project to make personal area networking technologies such as Bluetooth, Infrared (IrDA) and more, easily accessible from .NET code. Supports desktop, mobile or embedded systems. 32feet.NET is free for commercial or non-commercial use. If you use the binaries you ca ...


    标签: feet 3.5 NET 32

    上传时间: 2016-07-06


  • asp实现限制一个ip只能访问一次的方法

    asp实现限制一个ip只能访问一次的方法 <%&nbsp; '/////////////////////////////////////////////////////&nbsp; '// //&nbsp; '//作用:一个IP地址只允许访问本页一次 //&nbsp; '//引用:<!-- #include file="Check_Ip.asp" --> //&nbsp; '// //&nbsp; '/////////////////////////////////////////////////////&nbsp; ...


    标签: asp 访问

    上传时间: 2016-07-14


  • 1602数字时钟

    # include < reg52.h > # include < 24C02.h> # define uint unsigned int # define uchar unsigned char &nbsp; sbit rs = P3^5; &nbsp;//定义lcd1602的rs端 sbit lcden = P3^4;//定义lcd1602的lcden端口 sbit s1 = P3^0;//定义功能键s1 sbit s2 = P3^1;//定义功能键s2 sbit s3 = P3^2;//定 ...


    标签: 1602 数字时钟程序

    上传时间: 2016-07-28


  • 基于8051+Proteus仿真案例

    基础程序设计 01 闪烁的LED&nbsp; /* &nbsp;名称闪烁的LED&nbsp; &nbsp;说明LED按设定的时间间隔闪烁 */&nbsp; #include<reg51.h>&nbsp; #define uchar unsigned char&nbsp; #define uint unsigned int&nbsp; sbit LED=P1^0;&nbsp; //延时&nbsp; void DelayMS(uint x) &nbsp;{&nbsp; &nbsp;uchar i;&nbsp; &nbsp;whil ...


    标签: 基于8051仿真 基于Proteus仿真 基于8051+Proteus仿真

    上传时间: 2016-09-19
