
源代码在线查看: usb_new_pvci_eng_ent.vhdl

软件大小: 254 K
上传用户: ct511ct
关键词: verilog VHDL USB 接口功能
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				--  P H I L I P S  C O M P A N Y  R E S T R I C T E D
				--  Copyright (c) 1998.                    
				--  Philips Electronics N.V.
				--  Philips Semiconductors
				--  Interconnectivity and Processor Peripheral group
				--  Bangalore,India
				--  All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited
				--  without the written permission of the copyright owner.
				--  File            : usb_new_pvci_eng_ent.vhdl 
				--  Module          : PVCI_ENG_ENT 
				--  Project         : VPB bus Interface to USB 1.1 Device(USBFS22)
				--  Author          :              
				--  Description     : The ent of PVCI_ENG block
				--  Status          : 
				--  Contact address : 
				library IEEE;
				use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
				use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
				library work;
				use work.PCK_GENERAL.all;
				use work.PCK_HANDLERS.all;
				use work.PCK_CONFIGURATION.all;
				library work;
				use work.PCK_APB.all;
				entity PVCI_ENG is
				       -- Interface to EP_HANDLER modlue
				       Trans_Enable:          in   one_bit;              -- Data transfer enable
				       Read:                  in   one_bit;              -- '1' read data
				       EP_number:             in   Int_EndPointType;     -- Physical endpoint number
				       Data_Out:              in   byte;                 -- Data bus for OUT endpoints
				       End_Transfer:          in   one_bit;              -- End of transfer for packet data 
				       EndTransfer_Cmd:       in   one_bit;              -- End of transfer for command data
				       USBEp0Intr_Set:        in   one_bit;              -- USB Ep0 interrupt
				       USBEp1Intr_Set:        in   one_bit;              -- USB Ep1 interrupt
				       USBEp2Intr_Set:        in   one_bit;              -- USB Ep2 interrupt
				       USBEp3Intr_Set:        in   one_bit;              -- USB Ep3 interrupt
				       USBEp4Intr_Set:        in   one_bit;              -- USB Ep4 interrupt
				       USBEp5Intr_Set:        in   one_bit;              -- USB Ep5 interrupt
				       USBEp6Intr_Set:        in   one_bit;              -- USB Ep6 interrupt
				       USBEp7Intr_Set:        in   one_bit;              -- USB Ep7 interrupt
				       USBDevIntr_Set:        in   one_bit;              -- USB Dev interrupt       
				       USBToggleBuffer:       in   T_ToggleArray;        -- USB buffer toggle 
				       UCToggleBuffer:        in   T_ToggleArray;        -- UC buffer toggle
				       FullBuffer_UC:         in   T_Full;               -- Buffer full for endpoints
				       PI_IsoToggle:          in   integer range 0 to 1; -- ISO buffer toggle
				       RxError:               in   boolean;              -- Error in packet transfer
				       reg_ram_read:          in   one_bit;              -- Start of IN transfer
				       reg_ram_tag:           in   Int_EndPointType;     -- Physical endpoint number
				       CommandData:           in   byte;                 -- Command data
				       CmdDataValid:          in   boolean;              -- Command data valid
				       CmdAccept:             in   boolean;              -- Handshake signal for Command accepted
				       CommandCodeChannel:    out  eleven_bits;          -- Command code
				       CmdCodeValid_Out:      out  boolean;              -- Command code valid
				       If_Busy:               out  boolean;              -- Interface busy
				       Read_Req:              out  one_bit;              -- ????
				       Data_In:               out  byte;                 -- Data bus for IN data
				       TxDest_NData:          out  nine_bits;            -- Number of bytes for IN packet
				       Rx_N_data:             in   integer range 0 to MAX_OVERFLOW_SIZE; -- Packet size
				       -- Interface to RAM module
				       RxRAM_DQ_In:           in   four_bytes;           -- RAM data in-bus (32-bits)
				       RxRAM_E_N:             out  one_bit;              -- RAM enable, active low
				       RxRAM_W_N:             out  one_bit;              -- RAM write, active low
				       RxRAM_G_N:             out  one_bit;              -- RAM grant(read), active low
				       RxRAM_A:               out  RxRAMAddr_bits;       -- RAM address bus (??-bits)
				       RxRAM_DQ_Out:          out  four_bytes;           -- RAM data out-bus(32-bits)
				       -- Interface to TRNSMT_RAM module
				       TxRAM_E_N:             out  one_bit;              -- RAM enable, active low
				       TxRAM_W_N:             out  one_bit;              -- RAM write, active low
				       TxRAM_G_N:             out  one_bit;              -- RAM grant(read), active low
				       TxRAM_A:               out  TxRAMAddr_bits;       -- RAM address bus
				       TxRAM_DQ_In:           in   four_bytes;           -- RAM data in-bus
				       TxRAM_DQ_Out:          out  four_bytes;           -- RAM data out-bus
				       -- Interrupt signals
				       Intr_Request_Irq:      out one_bit;               -- Irq Interrupt request to processor
				       Intr_Request_Fiq:      out one_bit;               -- Fiq Interrupt request to processor
				       -- Interface to APB_WRAPPER module
				       clk:                   in  one_bit;               -- PVCI clock
				       pvci_reset_n:          in  one_bit;               -- Reset
				       req:                   in  one_bit;               -- Request
				       address:               in  byte;                  -- Address
				       rnw:                   in  one_bit;               -- '0' write, '1' read
				       w_data:                in  four_bytes;            -- Write data
				       gnt:                   out one_bit;               -- Grant
				       r_data:                out four_bytes;            -- Read data
				       error:                 out one_bit                -- Error 
				end PVCI_ENG;
