
源代码在线查看: usb_new_vpb_wrapper_rtl.vhdl

软件大小: 254 K
上传用户: ct511ct
关键词: verilog VHDL USB 接口功能
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				--  P H I L I P S  C O M P A N Y  R E S T R I C T E D
				--  Copyright (c) 1998.                    
				--  Philips Electronics N.V.
				--  Philips Semiconductors
				--  Interconnectivity and Processor Peripherals group
				--  Bangalore,India
				--  All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited
				--  without the written permission of the copyright owner.
				--  Module          :  VPB WRAPPER 
				--  Project         :  VPB Bus interface to USB1.1 device (USBFS22)
				--  Author          :              
				--  Description     : The Architecture of VPB_WRAPPER with CTAG isolation cells
				--                    This module is a bus wrapper for connecting PVCI interface
				--                    to VPB bus
				--  Contact address : sanjeev@blr.sc.philips.com
				library ieee;
				use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
				use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
				library work;
				use work.all;
				architecture RTL of VPB_WRAPPER is
				-- Signal declarations
				signal PSEL_i:    std_logic;              -- Intermediate signal for PSEL
				signal PENABLE_i: std_logic;              -- Intermediate signal for PENABLE
				signal PWRITE_i:  std_logic;              -- Intermediate signal for PWRITE
				--Changed by St. Gappisch 22.2.01, Introduction of signal psel_reg
				--to make USB compatible with VPbus standard
				signal psel_reg:  std_logic;   -- registered PSEL register for VPB connection
				signal rnw_i:  std_logic;
				signal r_data_i:  std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
				   --Changed by St. Gappisch 22.3.01, Generation of r_data_i
				    r_data_i  '0');
					PSEL_i 					PENABLE_i 					address 					PWRITE_i 					pvci_reset_n 					w_data 					PRDATA 				
				--  clk          				--  req          				
				--Changed by St. Gappisch 22.2.01, Changed generation 
				--of signal 'req' to make interface VPbus compliant
				--  req          				-----------------------------------------------
				--  be           				
				--Changed by St. Gappisch 22.2.01, Changed generation 
				--of signal 'req' to make interface VPbus compliant
				   req_select: process (PSEL_i, PENABLE_i, psel_reg, rnw_i ) 
				      -- read operation
				      if (rnw_i= '1') then
				        req  				      -- write operation
					req  				      end if;
				   end process;	 
				   psel_q_proc: process(PCLK)
				      if PCLK = '1' and PCLK'event then
				          if (PRESETn = '0') then
				              psel_reg 				          else
				              psel_reg 				          end if;
				      end if;
				   end process;
				end RTL;
