
源代码在线查看: usb_new_usbvpb_top_ent.vhdl

软件大小: 263 K
上传用户: a415834839
关键词: Verilog USBRTL VHDL 电路
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				--  P H I L I P S  C O M P A N Y  R E S T R I C T E D
				--  Copyright (c) 1998.                    
				--  Philips Electronics N.V.
				--  Philips Semiconductors
				--  Interconnectivity and Processor Peripheral group
				--  Bangalore,India
				--  All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited
				--  without the written permission of the copyright owner.
				--  File            : usb_new_usbvpb_top_ent.vhdl 
				--  Module          : USBVPB_TOP
				--  Project         : VPB bus Interface to USB 1.1 Device(USBFS22)
				--  Author          :              
				--  Description     : The entity of USBVPB_TOP block
				--  Status          : 
				--  Contact address : 
				library IEEE;
				use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
				use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
				entity USBVPB_TOP is
				       -- Clocks 
				       USB_MainClk:          in    std_logic;                      -- Main clock
				       USB_NeedClk:          out   std_logic;                      -- USB needs clock
				       USB_BitClk:           in    std_logic;                      -- Bit clock in
				       USB_BitClk_Out:       out   std_logic;                      -- Bit clock out
				       -- Connect
				       USB_Connect_N:        out   std_logic;                      -- Controls switch for softconnect
				       USB_VBus:             in    std_logic;                      -- Bus power is present
				       -- Misc
				       USB_TestMode:         in    std_logic;                      -- Select test mode
				       USB_Test_Resetn:      in    std_logic;                      -- Resetn during test mode
				       -- Suspend
				       USB_Suspend:          out   std_logic;                      -- USB Suspend 
				       -- VPB bus interface
				       PSEL:                 in    std_logic;                      -- select
				       PENABLE:              in    std_logic;                      -- enable
				       PADDR:                in    std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);  -- address
				       PWRITE:               in    std_logic;                      -- write/read
				       PRESETn:              in    std_logic;                      -- reset
				       PCLK:                 in    std_logic;                      -- clock
				       PWDATA:               in    std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);  -- write data
				       PRDATA:               out   std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);  -- read data
				       PRDY:                 out   std_logic;                      -- ready
				       -- Interrupt controller signals
				       USB_Int_Req_Irq:      out   std_logic;                      -- Irq interrupt   
				       USB_Int_Req_Fiq:      out   std_logic;                      -- Fiq interrupt
				       -- Upstream port
				       USB_UP_LED_N:         out   std_logic;                      -- LED 
				       USB_UP_RxDM:          in    std_logic;                      -- Rx D-  
				       USB_UP_RxDP:          in    std_logic;                      -- Rx D+  
				       USB_UP_RxRCV:         in    std_logic;                      -- Rx RCV 
				       USB_UP_TxDM:          out   std_logic;                      -- Tx D- 
				       USB_UP_TxDP:          out   std_logic;                      -- Tx D+
				       USB_UP_TxEnable_N:    out   std_logic;                      -- Tx Enable
				        -- Test Control Block signals for BIST RAM
				          scan_test	: in  std_logic;  -- Scan Test                    
				          scanclock     : in  std_logic;  -- Scan Clock
				          tck           : in  std_logic;  -- Test Clock
				          ntrst         : in  std_logic;  -- Test Reset (active low)
				          tbe           : in  std_logic;  -- Test BIST Enable
				          trunbist      : in  std_logic;  -- Test BIST Run/hold
				          tend          : out std_logic;  -- Test End
				          dri           : in  std_logic;  -- Data Retention Input (global data retention ready)
				          dro           : out std_logic;  -- Data Retention Output (local data retention ready)
				          tseir     	: in  std_logic;  -- Debug Scan Enable Instruction Register
				          tsedr     	: in  std_logic;  -- Debug Scan Enable Data Register
				          tdi       	: in  std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);  -- Test Data Input
				          tdo       	: out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);  -- Test Data Output
				       si:                   in    std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);   -- scan chain i/p
				       so:                   out   std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);   -- scan chain o/p
				       se:                   in    std_logic                      -- scan enable    
				end USBVPB_TOP;
