We (the Klimas family) are relative Linux newbies (with Linux since Summer 1998). We run RedHat
mostly -> the solutions might not be directly applicable to other Linux distributions (although most of
them probably will). Hope this helps, we try to be as practical as possible. Of course, we provide n ...
The objective of this project is to create a driver for a camera module (we used the OV7620). After taking the image with the camera, the driver will store into the external asynchronous RAM, and then send it to the computer through a serial cable
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f you have not registered, Please [regist first].You should upload at least five sourcecodes/documents. (upload 5 files, you can download 200 files).
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It’s your first day in the lab.Undoubtedly you are experiencing a range
of emotions: excitement, curiosity, anxiety. You will be working in
this lab and with a group of people, as well as with your supervisor,
for several years to come. This is the first day of a long commitment
and, for some, a ha ...
As a general rule, PhD students and their supervisors tend to focus
primarily, or even exclusively, on the content of the research that will
go into the doctoral thesis. Other issues are often taken for granted:
how to organize your work, give a presentation, work in a team, cope
with your superviso ...
Finally, after a great deal of effort and hard work, you have obtained
the results you were trying to get for such a long time. You may be
so busy (and tired) that you don’t even realize that you have indeed
achieved a certain measure of success. Perhaps it will take a fewmore
months before you can ...
GPU Gems is a cool toolbox of advanced graphics techniques. Novice programmers and graphics gurus alike will find the Gems practical, intriguing and useful.
There are many algorithms that can be applied to graphs. Many of these are actually used in the real world,
such as Dijkstra’s algorithm to find shortest paths. We will discuss a few here.
SQL: A Beginner’s Guide is recommended for anyone trying to build a foundation in SQL
programming. The book is designed specifically for those who are new or relatively new to SQL
however, those of you who need a refresher in SQL will also find this book beneficial.Whether
you’re an experienced p ...