C++ is a programming language. It is a programming language of many
different dialects, just like each language that is spoken has many dialects. In C though, they are not because the "speakers" live in the North, South, or grew up in some other place, it is because there are so many compilers. T ...
WAISS TW3DCanvas Component V1.5 Freeware
This is a component that acts as a 3D canvas. It supports most of the methods of the Delphi TCanvas Component. All drawing methods sent to
the component will be rendered in a 3D manor (extruded or embossed) including Text,Circles etc...
SrcDecompiler is about creating a Delphi program decompiler. The program is written for Delphi 4 or higher and will not work with a previous version of Delphi. Also it can only decompile programs written with the same version of Delphi as the decompiler is compiled with.
ppWizard has created this matlab调用 application for you. This application
not only demonstrates the basics of using the Microsoft Foundation classes
but is also a starting point for writing your application.
This file contains a summary of what you will find in each of the file ...
The Open Radar Data Acquisition (ORDA)
subsystem replaces the current WSR-88D Radar
Data Acquisition subsystem with improved
receiver and signal processing hardware and with
improved user interface, signal processing and
diagnostics software. This paper will discuss the
input data from the digital r ...
Click is a modular router toolkit. To use it you ll need to know how to
compile and install the software, how to write router configurations, and
how to write new elements. Our ACM Transactions on Computer Systems paper,
available from the Web site, will give you a feeling for what Click can
do. Usi ...
卡耐基.梅隆大学的牛发写的关于孤立点和数据清洗的文章,全英文,2003年完成,Probabilistic Noise Identification and Data Cleaning,Real world data is never as perfect as we would like it
to be and can often suffer from corruptions that may impact
interpretations of the data, models created from the
data ...
The Fortran 90 Handbook is a definitive and comprehensive guide to Fortran 90
and its use. Fortran 90, the latest standard version of Fortran, has many
excellent new features that will assist the programmer in writing efficient,
portable, and maintainable programs. The Fortran 90 Handbook is an info ...
The primary goal of MySQL and Java Developer’s Guide is to provide a comprehensive
approach to writing code from a Java application to a MySQL database
using the industry standard: JDBC. As you will see later in this
Introduction, the chapter titles indicate what area of database connectivity and
m ...