Calculation of the Differential Impedance of Tracks on FR4 substrates
There is a discrepancy between calculated and measured values of impedance for differential transmission lineson FR4. This is especially noticeable in the case of surface microstrip configurations. The anomaly is shown tobe due to ...
Abstract: Impedance mismatches in a radio-frequency (RF) electrical transmission line cause power loss andreflected energy. Voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) is a way to measure transmission line imperfections. Thistutorial defines VSWR and explains how it is calculated. Finally, an antenna VSWR ...
The SN65LBC170 and SN75LBC170 aremonolithic integrated circuits designed forbidirectional data communication on multipointbus-transmission lines. Potential applicationsinclude serial or parallel data transmission, cabledperipheral buses with twin axial, ribbon, ortwisted-pair cabling. These devices ...