Bluezan implementation of the Bluetooth™ wireless standards specifications for Linux. The code is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) and is now included in the Linux 2.4 and Linux 2.6 kernel series
Bluezan implementation of the Bluetooth™ wireless standards specifications for Linux. The code is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) and is now included in the Linux 2.4 and Linux 2.6 kernel series
Bluezan implementation of the Bluetooth™ wireless standards specifications for Linux. The code is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) and is now included in the Linux 2.4 and Linux 2.6 kernel series
Bluezan implementation of the Bluetooth™ wireless standards specifications for Linux. The code is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) and is now included in the Linux 2.4 and Linux 2.6 kernel series
Bluezan implementation of the Bluetooth™ wireless standards specifications for Linux. The code is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) and is now included in the Linux 2.4 and Linux 2.6 kernel series
Frequency Scale Conversion
From f To f Scale
frq2mel mel2frq mel The mel scale is based on the human perception of sinewave pitch.
frq2erb erb2frq erb The erb scale is based on the equivalent rectangular bandwidths of the human ear.
frq2midi midi2frq midi The midi standard specifies a numbering o ...
The program performs alpha seeding within LIBSVM Solvers. Please refer to:
D. DeCoste and K. Wagstaff, "Alpha Seeding for Support Vector Machines for the meaning of alpha seeding".