Rainbow is a C program that performs document classification usingone of several different methods, including naive Bayes, TFIDF/Rocchio,K-nearest neighbor, Maximum Entropy, Support Vector Machines, Fuhr sProbabilitistic Indexing, and a simple-minded form a shrinkage withnaive Bayes.
The program performs alpha seeding within LIBSVM Solvers. Please refer to:
D. DeCoste and K. Wagstaff, "Alpha Seeding for Support Vector Machines for the meaning of alpha seeding".
This set of simulation files performs a computational complexity performance comparison of the two methods mentioned in the paper. The source is ANSI-C compliant, hence any C-compiler can be used to compile the source code. It has been tested using Visual Studio.net C++ and TI code composer studio C ...
The cable compensation system is an experiment system that performs simulations of partial or microgravity environments on earth. It is a highly nonlinear and complex system.In this paper, a network based on the theory of the Fuzzy Cerebellum Model Articulation Controller(FCMAC) is proposed to contr ...
performs one of the matrix-vector operations y := alpha*A*x + beta*y, or y := alpha*A *x + beta*y, where alpha and beta are scalars, x and y are vectors and A is an
m by n matrix
The DHRY program performs the dhrystone benchmarks on the 8051.
Dhrystone is a general-performance benchmark test originally
developed by Reinhold Weicker in 1984. This benchmark is
used to measure and compare the performance of different
computers or, in this case, the efficiency of the code
gener ...
This software performs code conversion of Chinese characters,
including GB2312/GBK and BIG5.
It also supports some encodings of Chinese character code which
are used widely in Japan, such as Chinese Writer, cWnn, Nihao,
Zhongwen Qigao, etc.