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dhrystone 8


  • ANSI-Dhrystone



    标签: ANSI-Dhrystone

    上传时间: 2013-12-25


  • The DHRY program performs the dhrystone benchmarks on the 8051. Dhrystone is a general-performanc

    The DHRY program performs the dhrystone benchmarks on the 8051. Dhrystone is a general-performance benchmark test originally developed by Reinhold Weicker in 1984. This benchmark is used to measure and compare the performance of different computers or, in this case, the efficiency of the code gener ...


    标签: general-performanc benchmarks Dhrystone dhrystone

    上传时间: 2016-11-30


  • 基于STM32的mp3播放器的设计

    Cortex-M3 是ARM 公司为要求高性能(1.25 Dhrystone MIPS/MHz)、低成本、低功耗的嵌入式应用专门设计的内核。STM32 系列产品得益于Cortex-M3 在架构上进行的多项改进,包括提升性能的同时又提高了代码密度的Thumb-2 指令集和大幅度提高中断响应的紧耦合嵌套向量中断控制器,所有新功能都同时具有业界最优的功耗水平。本系统 ...


    标签: STM mp3 32 播放器

    上传时间: 2013-11-19


  • ARM手机MID平板方案详解

    ARM核心是主控SOC中的重要部分,系统的日常应用都由ARM核心来完成,因此ARM核心的效能很大程度上跟用户体验有关。ARM公司一般用DMIPS/MHz来标称ARM核心的性能。DMIPS是Dhrystone Million Instructions executed Per Second的缩写,反映核心的整数计算能力。但Dhrystone算法代码本身比较叫,可以完全放到Cache中执行,因此 ...


    标签: ARM MID 手机 平板

    上传时间: 2013-10-16


  • SAM9261 BasicMMU Example code with ADS1.2 (163 kB) The goal of this project is to show how to use a

    SAM9261 BasicMMU Example code with ADS1.2 (163 kB) The goal of this project is to show how to use a PC100 SDRAM and the MMU to perform a rating with a 100MHz Bus Clock. The rating is based on Dhrystone 2.1. It shows the rate when I+D Caches are disabled or enabled, with or without MMU and I Cache is ...


    标签: BasicMMU Example project 9261

    上传时间: 2013-12-28


  • 为裸机




    上传时间: 2014-12-19


  • Introduction ? ? The ARM Cortex -A8 microprocessor is the first applications microprocessor in A

    Introduction ? ? The ARM Cortex -A8 microprocessor is the first applications microprocessor in ARM!ˉs new Cortex family. With high performance and power efficiency, it targets a wide variety of mobile and consumer applications including mobile phones, set-top boxes, gaming consoles and automot ...


    标签: microprocessor Introduction applications Cortex

    上传时间: 2013-12-09


  • STM32F407VET6数据手册

    STM32F407VET6数据手册Core: ARM 32-bit Cortex™-M4 CPU with FPU,Adaptive real-time accelerator (ARTAccelerator™) allowing 0-wait state executionfrom Flash memory, frequency up to 168   MHz,memory protection unit, 210 DMIPS/1.25 DMIPS/MHz (Dhrystone 2.1), and DSPinstructions


    标签: stm32f407vet6 数据手册

    上传时间: 2022-07-25
