Synopsys' widely-used design constraints format, known as SDC, describes the "design intent" and surrounding constraints for synthesis, clocking, timing, power, test and environmental and operating conditions. SDC has been in use and evolving for more than 20 years, making it the most popular and pr ...
The Texas Instruments MSP430 family of ultra-low-power microcontrollers consists of several devices featuring
different sets of peripherals targeted for various applications. The architecture, combined with five low-power
modes, is optimized to achieve extended battery life in portable m ...
obot control, a subject aimed at making robots behave as desired, has been
extensively developed for more than two decades. Among many books being
published on this subject, a common feature is to treat a robot as a single
system that is to be controlled by a variety of control algorithms depending ...
Abstract—In the future communication applications, users
may obtain their messages that have different importance levels
distributively from several available sources, such as distributed
storage or even devices belonging to other users. This
scenario is the best modeled by the multilevel diversity ...
Broadband powerline communication systems are continuing to gain significant
market adoption worldwide for applications ranging from IPTV delivery to the
Smart Grid. The suite of standards developed by the HomePlug Powerline
Alliance plays an important role in the widespread deployment of broadband
I saw the light of the future when I first read Ray Kurzweil’s best-seller book The
Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology. One cubic inch of nanotube cir-
cuitry, once fully developed, would be up to one hundred million times more powerful
than the human brain.
In recent years, cellular voice networks have transformed into powerful packet-switched
access networks for both voice communication and Internet access. Evolving Universal
Mobile Telecommunication System (UMTS) networks and first Long Term Evolution
(LTE) installations now deliver bandwidths of sev ...
Device-to-device(D2D) communications are now considered as an integral part of future 5G networks
which will enable direct communication between user equipment (UE) without unnecessary routing via
the network infrastructure. This architecture will result in higher throughputs than conventional cellu ...
Over the past few decades, wireless communications and networking have witnessed an
unprecedented growth, and have become pervasive much sooner than anyone could have
predicted. For example, cellular wireless networks are expected to become the dominant
and ubiquitous telecommunication means in the ...
Cooperation is not a natural characteristic attributed to humans. The typical human horizon is focused
on short-term gains, which might be due to our instinct-driven subconscious occupying a grander
importance than we dare to admit [1]. Cooperating with other individuals or entities, however, usuall ...