This m-file simulates MPSK (BPSK,QPSK,8PSK)with theoretical and simulated results using Gray coding. Numerical examples of a satellite link design are shown using QPSK and/or 8PSK when the bit rate(Rb)is greater than the channel bandwidth Wc (Band-limited channel).
Mod_python is an Apache module that embeds the Python interpreter within the server. With mod_python you can write web-based applications in Python that will run many times faster than traditional CGI and will have access to advanced features such as ability to retain database connections and other ...
Returns weighted percentiles of a sample given the weight vector w
% The idea is to give more emphasis in some examples of data as compared to
% others by giving more weight. For example, we could give lower weights to
% the outliers.
% The motivation to write this function is to compute percen ...
A detailed explanation of C# 2.0
An introduction to Visual Studio 2005, a tool set for building Windows and web applications
More than 200 questions and programming exercises to help you better judge your understanding of the material
A greater emphasis on event handling
Information on gene ...
Ink Blotting
One method for escaping from a maze is via ‘ink-blotting’. In this method your starting square
is marked with the number ‘1’. All free, valid squares north, south, east and west around the
number ‘1‘ are marked with a number ‘2’. In the next step, all free, valid squares around ...
hanks for downloading this code. This VB Project shows you how to make forms with "rounded rectangle" shape. It also shows you how you can reduce the size of your programs with a GUI by using blocks of images and absolutely positioning and stretching them to create a dialog box, rather than making t ...
Easy-to-Use, Ultra-Tiny, Differential, 16-Bit Delta Sigma ADC With I2C Interface
The LTC2453 is an ultra-tiny, fully differential, 16-bit, analog-to-digital converter. The LTC2453 uses a single 2.7V to 5.5V supply and communicates through an I2C interface. The ADC is available in an 8-pin, 3mm x 2m ...
We can see that using Gauss-Seidel iterative methods need only 13 timed to make
But using Jacobi method after 25 times the is bigger than that using Gauss-Seidel iterative methods
PCA and PLS aims:to get some
insight into the bilinear factor models Principal Component Analysis
(PCA) and Partial Least Squares (PLS) regression, focusing on the
mathematics and numerical aspects rather than how s and why s of
data analysis practice. For the latter part it is assumed (but not
abso ...
两种解决方案 Richard just finished building his new house. Now the only thing the house misses is a cute little wooden fence. He had no idea how to make a wooden fence, so he decided to order one. Somehow he got his hands on the ACME Fence Catalogue 2002, the ultimate resource on cute little wooden ...