Many applications use connection/object pool. A program may require a IMAP connection pool and LDAP connection pool. One could easily implement a IMAP connection pool, then take the existing code and implement a LDAP connection pool. The program grows, and now there is a need for a pool of threads. ...
IR Remote Control Unit Code Read System
比较样机与所写的新软件的遥 ...
Open Source for the Enterprise
Open source software is changing the world of Information Technology. But making it work for your company is far more complicated than simply installing a copy of Linux. If you are serious about using open source to cut costs, accelerate development, and reduce vendor ...
This build is for developing a "binary-to-BCD" converter for use in
// displaying numerals in base-10 so that people can read and interpret the
// numbers more readily than they could if the numbers were displayed in
// binary or hexadecimal format. Also, a "BCD-to-binary" converter is
// tested in ...
OLE Programmer s Reference
Information in this online help system is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of Microsoft Corporation. The software and/or files described in this online help system are furnished under a license agreement or nondisclosure agr ...
蓝牙协议This specification describes the Audio/Video Control Transport Protocol (AVCTP), which is used to transport command and response messages for controlling Audio Video features in conformant devices. This protocol enables a device to support more than one control profile at the same time each ...
Metalog is a modern replacement for syslogd and klogd. The logged messages
can be dispatched according to their facility, urgency, program name and/or
Perl-compatible regular expressions. Log files can be automatically rotated
when they exceed a certain size or age. External shell scripts (e.g., mai ...
I came across an article QuickSYS which implements an NT driver framework. That article demonstrates a MFC application that gets a project name as a parameter and creates Visual C++ workspace with NT driver framework. I decided to copy the NT driver framework source and to put it in the ...
ACM试题An Easy Problem
As we known, data stored in the computers is in binary form. The problem we discuss now is about the positive integers and its binary form. Given a positive integer I, you task is to find out an integer J, which is the minimum integer greater than I, and the numbe ...