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measured 23


  • [p]=ss_Pe42(rho_in_dB) % SS_PE42 finds the measured error rate for the given value of % signal

    [p]=ss_Pe42(rho_in_dB) % SS_PE42 finds the measured error rate for the given value of % signal per interference ratio in dB.


    标签: rho_in_dB the measured signal

    上传时间: 2014-01-13


  • Shortest Paths with Multiplicative Cost. In a given undirected graph, the path cost is measured as a

    Shortest Paths with Multiplicative Cost. In a given undirected graph, the path cost is measured as a product of all the edges in the path. The weights are rational numbers (e.g., 0.25, 0.75, 3.75 etc) or integers (2, 3). There are no negative edges. Given such a graph as input, you are to output the ...


    标签: Multiplicative undirected Shortest measured

    上传时间: 2017-04-08


  • This is Temperature PID regulator for Tamman ovens. Temperature is measured by thermocouple via lm35

    This is Temperature PID regulator for Tamman ovens. Temperature is measured by thermocouple via lm358 - > Atmega s ADC and regulated over triac. All data is sent via RS232 connection on PC and controlled by LabView.


    标签: Temperature thermocouple regulator measured

    上传时间: 2017-07-04


  • 2012TI电子设计大赛——微弱信号检测装置

    微弱信号检测装置 四川理工学院 刘鹏飞、梁天德、曾学明 摘要: 本设计以TI的Launch Pad为核心板,采用锁相放大技术设计并制作了一套微弱信号检测装置,用以检测在强噪声背景下已知频率微弱正弦波信号的幅度值,并在液晶屏上数字显示出所测信号相应的幅度值。实验结果显示其抗干扰能力强,测量精度高。 关键词: ...


    标签: 2012 TI 电子设计大赛 微弱信号

    上传时间: 2013-11-04


  • 校准ADC内部偏移的光学微控制器DS4830

    Abstract: The DS4830 optical microcontroller's analog-to-digital converter (ADC) offset can change with temperature and gainselection. However, the DS4830 allows users to measure the ADC internal offset. The measured ADC offset is added to the ADCoffset register to nullify the offset error. Th ...


    标签: 4830 ADC DS 校准

    上传时间: 2014-12-23


  • 谐振器论文精选.rar

    Control systems are becoming increasingly dependent on digital processing and so require sensors able to provide direct digital inputs. Sensors based on time measurement, having outputs based on a frequency or phase, have an advantage over conventional analogue sensors in that their outputs can be ...


    标签: 谐振器 论文

    上传时间: 2013-10-08


  • 计算FR4上的差分阻抗(PDF)

    Calculation of the Differential Impedance of Tracks on FR4 substrates There is a discrepancy between calculated and measured values of impedance for differential transmission lineson FR4. This is especially noticeable in the case of surface microstrip configurations. The anomaly is shown tobe due to ...


    标签: FR4 计算 差分阻抗

    上传时间: 2014-12-24


  • 基于开关电容技术的锁定放大器设计

    锁定放大是微弱信号检测的重要手段。基于相关检测理论,利用开关电容的开关实现锁定放大器中乘法器的功能,提出开关电容和积分器相结合以实现相关检测的方法,并设计出一种锁定放大器。该锁定放大器将微弱信号转化为与之相关的方波,通过后续电路得到正比于被测信号的直流电平,为后续采集处理提供方便。测量数据表明锁定放 ...


    标签: 开关电容 锁定放大器

    上传时间: 2013-11-29


  • 基于PIC16LF874单片机的电容测量模块

    为提高电容测量精度,针对电容式传感器的工作原理设计了基于PIC16LF874单片机电容测量模块。简单阐述了电容测量电路的应用背景和国内外研究现状,介绍了美国Microchip公司PIC16LF874单片机的特性。电容式传感器输出的动态微弱电容信号通过PS021型电容数字转换器把模拟量数据转换成数字量数据,所测数据由PIC16LF874单片机应 ...


    标签: PIC 874 16 LF

    上传时间: 2013-10-29


  • 基于ARM单片机的自动测高测距小车

    生活中许多目标的高度和水平距离需要进行测量。目前主要的测量方法,仍以传统的皮尺丈量为主,测量效率不高,有时还很不方便,没有技术成熟的数字式测高测距产品。以基本的数学方法为理论依据,利用遥控小车做为载体,采用角度传感器测量角度、霍尔传感器测量水平距离等,通过单片机LM3S615进行数据计算,实现了对待测目标 ...


    标签: ARM 单片机 自动

    上传时间: 2013-10-30
