
  • Some time ago, I stated in another article that I d take the idea of location broadcasting and devel

    Some time ago, I stated in another article that I d take the idea of location broadcasting and develop a mobile solution as a follow-up. The problem back then was I had no means to get location data off of a cell phone, or a way to make it useful. My, how times have changed since then! In this artic ...


    标签: broadcasting location another article

    上传时间: 2013-12-25


  • Like many of my colleagues in this industry, I learned Windows programming from Charles Petzold s Pr

    Like many of my colleagues in this industry, I learned Windows programming from Charles Petzold s Programming Windows—a classic programming text that is the bible to an entire generation of Windows programmers. When I set out to become an MFC programmer in 1994, I went shopping for an MFC equivalen ...


    标签: programming colleagues industry Charles

    上传时间: 2014-01-10


  • SQL: A Beginner’s Guide is recommended for anyone trying to build a foundation in SQL programming.

    SQL: A Beginner’s Guide is recommended for anyone trying to build a foundation in SQL programming. The book is designed specifically for those who are new or relatively new to SQL however, those of you who need a refresher in SQL will also find this book beneficial.Whether you’re an experienced p ...


    标签: recommended programming foundation SQL

    上传时间: 2013-12-24


  • stm32 usb example

    it is an example for stm32 usb. i had tried it.  it deid not work on my board. buy it might be right for you.


    标签: stm32 usb example

    上传时间: 2015-03-26


  • Linux From Scratch

    前言:My journey to learn and better understand Linux began back in 1998. I had just installed my first Linux distribution and had quickly become intrigued with the whole concept and philosophy behind Linux. 这是英文原版的很清晰,希望能帮助到对linux感兴趣的朋友。


    标签: Linux From Scratch

    上传时间: 2018-11-18


  • 802.11n A Survival Guide

    A decade ago, I first wrote that people moved, and networks needed to adapt to the reality that people worked on the go. Of course, in those days, wireless LANs came with a trade-off. Yes, you could use them while moving, but you had to trade a great deal of throughput to get the mobility. Although ...


    标签: Survival 802.11 Guide

    上传时间: 2020-05-26


  • A Foundation in Digital Communication

    Without conceding a blemish in the first edition, I think I had best come clean and admit that I embarked on a second edition largely to adopt a more geometric approach to the detection of signals in white Gaussian noise. Equally rigorous, yet more intuitive, this approach is not only student-friend ...


    标签: Communication Foundation Digital in

    上传时间: 2020-05-26


  • Distributed+Strategic+Learning

    Much of Game Theory has developed within the community of Economists, starting from the book “Theory of Games and Economic behavior” by Mor- genstern and Von Neumann (1944). To a lesser extent, it has had an impact on biology (with the development of evolutionarygames) and on road traffic Engi- ne ...


    标签: Distributed Strategic Learning

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • Interconnected+Networks

    Complex networks are powerful allies of our quest to tackle complexity in all of science. Many lines can be written about the benefits of using networks to study complex systems. Nevertheless, if I had to name their single most appealing property,Iwouldsaysimplicity.Onecanmaptheinteractingelementsof ...


    标签: Interconnected Networks

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • Interference Analysis

    We were on the lookout for ice. I was in a 32 foot sailing yacht with writer and explorer Tristan Gooley, undertaking a double-handed sail from Scotland through the Faroes up to 66 33 45.7 N and the midnight sun. Now sailing out of the Arctic Circle we were approaching Iceland from the north, headin ...


    标签: Interference Analysis

    上传时间: 2020-05-27
