
  • H.264 RTSP 串流(live 555)視窗版本

    ·H.264 RTSP 串流 (live 555) 視窗版本 (THE Makefile had modified for VC 2008 BUILD)


    标签: nbsp RTSP live 264

    上传时间: 2013-04-24


  • 基于FPGA的高度集成DCDC稳压器

      In a recent discussion with a system designer, the requirementfor his power supply was to regulate 1.5Vand deliver up to 40A of current to a load that consistedof four FPGAs. This is up to 60W of power that must bedelivered in a small area with the lowest height profi lepossible to allow ...


    标签: FPGA DCDC 集成 稳压器

    上传时间: 2013-11-24


  • MAX7456在可视倒车雷达中的应用

    为解决传统可视倒车雷达视频字符叠加器结构复杂,可靠性差,成本高昂等问题,在可视倒车雷达设计中采用视频字符发生器芯片MAX7456。该芯片集成了所有用于产生用户定义OSD,并将其插入视频信号中所需的全部功能,仅需少量的外围阻容元件即可正常工作。给出了以MAX7456为核心的可视倒车雷达的软、硬件实现方案及设计实例。该 ...


    标签: 7456 MAX 可视倒车 中的应用

    上传时间: 2013-12-10


  • 基于单片机AT89C51的MP3播放系统的设计方案

    提出一种基于单片机AT89C51SND1C的MP3播放系统的设计方案。单片机集成了专用的解码器,使用K9F1208闪存作为外存储器,放音电路采用CS4330,存储文件通过播放器上的USB接口设备从PC机上直接下载,液晶显示采用LCD1602。方案设计简单,性价比高,低功耗,易扩展。由于采用的是通用单片机实现的,可以很容易地移植到其他微控制 ...


    标签: 89C C51 MP3 AT

    上传时间: 2014-12-27


  • Input Signal Rise and Fall Tim

    All inputs of the C16x family have Schmitt-Trigger input characteristics. These Schmitt-Triggers are intended to always provide proper internal low and high levels, even if anundefined voltage level (between TTL-VIL and TTL-VIH) is externally applied to the pin.The hysteresis of these inputs, howeve ...


    标签: Signal Input Fall Rise

    上传时间: 2013-10-23


  • FPGA设计重利用方法(Design Reuse Methodology)

      FPGAs have changed dramatically since Xilinx first introduced them just 15 years ago. In thepast, FPGA were primarily used for prototyping and lower volume applications; custom ASICswere used for high volume, cost sensitive designs. FPGAs had also been too expensive and tooslow for many a ...


    标签: Methodology Design Reuse FPGA

    上传时间: 2013-10-23


  • FPGA设计重利用方法(Design Reuse Methodology)

      FPGAs have changed dramatically since Xilinx first introduced them just 15 years ago. In thepast, FPGA were primarily used for prototyping and lower volume applications; custom ASICswere used for high volume, cost sensitive designs. FPGAs had also been too expensive and tooslow for many a ...


    标签: Methodology Design Reuse FPGA

    上传时间: 2013-11-01


  • DN427开关控制器故障保护电压监测

      Have you had the exasperating experience of a laptop orPDA defi antly not responding to your commands? Youfrantically press key after key, but to no avail. As hopeturns to anger (but just before you throw the company’slaptop through the window) you slam your fi nger againstthe on/of ...


    标签: 427 DN 开关控制器 故障保护

    上传时间: 2013-12-10


  • This simple SDI Notepad-like application demonstrates how, taking advantage of the MFC support for U

    This simple SDI Notepad-like application demonstrates how, taking advantage of the MFC support for Unicode, to Turkmenize labels of the specified menu items. Actually, Turkmen is not supported by Windows 2000, therefore, to create such resources as menu so that strings in Turkmen could be displayed ...


    标签: Notepad-like demonstrates application advantage

    上传时间: 2013-11-26


  • WHAT MIME64 IS: MIME64 is an encoding described in RFC1341 as MIME base64.Its purpose is to encode b

    WHAT MIME64 IS: MIME64 is an encoding described in RFC1341 as MIME base64.Its purpose is to encode binary files into ASCII so that they may be passedthrough e-mail gates. In this regard, MIME64 is similar to UUENCODE.Although most binaries these days are transmitted using UUENCODE, Ihave seen a few ...


    标签: MIME described 64 encoding

    上传时间: 2013-12-17
