ADIAL Basis Function (RBF) networks were introduced
into the neural network literature by Broomhead and
Lowe [1], which are motivated by observation on the local
response in biologic neurons. Due to their better
approximation capabilities, simpler network structures and
faster learning algorithms, R ...
Abstract—Stable direct and indirect decentralized adaptive radial basis
neural network controllers are presented for a class of interconnected
nonlinear systems. The feedback and adaptation mechanisms for each
subsystem depend only upon local measurements to provide asymptotic
tracking of a referen ...
C++ is a programming language. It is a programming language of many
different dialects, just like each language that is spoken has many dialects. In C though, they are not because the "speakers" live in the North, South, or grew up in some other place, it is because there are so many compilers. T ...
ppWizard has created this matlab调用 application for you. This application
not only demonstrates the basics of using the Microsoft Foundation classes
but is also a starting point for writing your application.
This file contains a summary of what you will find in each of the file ...
* tesswind.c
* This program demonstrates the winding rule polygon
* tessellation property. Four tessellated objects are drawn,
* each with very different contours. When the w key is pressed,
* the objects are drawn with a different winding rule.
Computing and the way people use C for doing it keeps changing as years go by. So overwhelming has been the response to all the previous editions of “Let Us C” that I have now decided that each year I would come up with a new edition of it so that I can keep the readers abreast with the way C is b ...
Particle swarm optimization (PSO) was originally designed and introduced by Eberhart and
Kennedy (Ebarhart, Kennedy, 1995 Kennedy, Eberhart, 1995 Ebarhart, Kennedy, 2001). The
PSO is a population based search algorithm based on the simulation of the social behavior of
birds, bees or a school of fi ...
A version of a sparse bundle adjustment implementation with adjustable intrinsics and distortion parameters (either shared by all views or varying for each view)
Program helping you to remember the route.
It cab be route from conference room to coffee-room, it can be tourist trip, it can be pathway in labyrinth. during first traversal you make notes in you phone, specifying direction of movement and target of each step. Phone remembers how much time each ste ...