The emphasis of this book is on real-time application of Synopsys tools, used
to combat various problems seen at VDSM geometries. Readers will be
exposed to an effective design methodology for handling complex, submicron
ASIC designs. Significance is placed on HDL coding styles,
synthesis and optimi ...
Cisco E-DI supports perl scripting through the CLI. This feature automates many of the server and
network administration tasks. This section explains how to enable and disable the perl scripting service,
and how to use Cisco E-DI Perl API for daily tasks.
When a perl script is implemented by an admi ...
P3.18. An analog signal xa(t) = sin (100πt) is sampled using the following sampling intervals. In
each case plot the spectrum of the resulting discrete-time signal.
Ts= 0.1 ms, Ts= 1 ms, Ts = 0.01 Sec
The JavaServer Pages (JSP) Expression Language (EL) is a
simple non-procedural scripting language that can be used
to evaluate dynamic expressions within a JSP page. Each EL
expression evaluates to a single value that is then expressed as
text in the output of the JSP (when used in template text ...
AJAX Book Reader is a complete AJAX client-server application that may be used with a Web browser to display a sequence of text files one page at a time. The display style is completely controlled by a configuration file. The first application of this is as a book viewer where each chapter resides i ...
Exploring C++ uses a series of self–directed lessons to divide C++ into bite–sized chunks that you can digest as rapidly as you can swallow them. The book assumes only a basic understanding of fundamental programming concepts (variables, functions, expressions, statements) and requires no prior kn ...
Because WDM networks are circuit switched loss networks blocking may occur because of lack of resources. Also in circuit switched networks many paths use the same links. This toolbox answers the question how different paths with different loads influence on each other and what is the blocking on eac ...
Wireless range extenders or wireless repeaters can extend the range of an existing wireless network. Range extenders can be strategically placed to elongate a signal area or allow for the signal area to reach around barriers such as those created in L-shaped corridors. Wireless devices connected thr ...
In 揚erformance of multi-carrier DS CDMA Systems?we apply a multi-carrier signaling technique to a direct-sequence CDMA system, where a data sequence multiplied by a spreading sequence modulates multiple carriers, rather than a single carrier. The receiver provides a correlator for each carrier, and ...
This C++ example demonstrates how to play (a maximum of 16) simultaneous voices. The example has eight blocks moving on the screen and playing sounds when they collide with a wall or with each other. The updated example has been tested to support S60 5th Edition and touch UI. Important classes: CMda ...