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could 118


  • Switch-Mode Power Supply Simulation

    Thepredecessorvolumeofthisbookwaspublishedin1996.Intheyears since then, some things have changed and some have not. Two of the things that have not changed are the desire for better models and faster simulations. I performed the original simulations on my “hyperfast” 133-MHz computer! At the time, ...


    标签: Switch-Mode Simulation Supply Power

    上传时间: 2020-06-07


  • an-introduction-to-rfid-technology

    RFID is at a critical price point that could enable its large-scale adoption. What strengths are pushing it forward? What technical challenges and privacy concerns must we still address?


    标签: an-introduction-to-rfid-technolog

    上传时间: 2020-06-08


  • Practical Arduino Engineering

    I wrote this book so that students, hobbyists, and engineers alike can take advantage of the Arduino platform by creating several projects that will teach them about the engineering process. I also wanted to guide the reader through introductory projects so that they could get a firm grasp on the Ar ...


    标签: Engineering Practical Arduino

    上传时间: 2020-06-09


  • Ambient_Intelligence_-_a_novel_paradigm

    If the space around us could adapt to our needs and intentions, then our lives would be much simpler. We would have to spend less time on our daily chores, we would be more productive and, hopefully, we would live in a less worrisome and, most likely, more secure world


    标签: Ambient_Intelligence a_novel_paradigm

    上传时间: 2020-06-10


  • AI-and-Robotics-IBA-GEI-April-2017

    Modern information technologies and the advent of machines powered by artificial intelligence (AI) have already strongly influenced the world of work in the 21st century. Computers, algorithms and software simplify everyday tasks, and it is impossible to imagine how most of our life could be managed ...


    标签: AI-and-Robotics-IBA-GEI-April 2017

    上传时间: 2020-06-10


  • Computational+Intelligence

    The large-scale deployment of the smart grid (SG) paradigm could play a strategic role in supporting the evolution of conventional electrical grids toward active, flexible and self- healing web energy networks composed of distributed and cooperative energy resources. From a conceptual point of view, ...


    标签: Computational Intelligence

    上传时间: 2020-06-10


  • Agilent 34401A Service Guide.pdf

    Agilent 34401A Service Guide.pdfIEC Measurement Category II includes electrical devices connected to mains at an outlet on a branch circuit. Such devices include most small appliances, test equipment, and other devices that plug into a branch outlet or socket. The 34401A may be used to make measurem ...


    标签: agilent

    上传时间: 2022-02-20


  • 基于数字信号处理的超声手术刀电源控制电路设计与实现

    目的:自主研制一款超声手术刀电源控制系统,以减少能量的消耗,维持手术刀的正常温度。方法:对超声换能器在谐振附近的等效电路建立模型,并设计基于数字信号处理(DSP)的超声手术刀的硬件控制系统。结果:经对电源控制系统的电路和工作性能测试,生成的电流和电压的有效值等参数,能够及时调整电源的频率,并达到预期的功能指标,使 ...


    标签: 数字信号处理 超声手术刀 电源控制

    上传时间: 2022-04-03
