What would happen if someone connected 24V to your12V circuits? If the power and ground lines were inadvertentlyreversed, would the circuits survive? Does yourapplication reside in a harsh environment, where the inputsupply can ring very high or even below ground? Evenif these events are ...
Digitemp Junior – An RS-232 Port-Powered Digital Thermometer
Digitemp Jr. is a device that is designed to measure
and report ambient temperature. When connected to
an RS-232 port on any PC, it will periodically measure
and report in ASCII form the ambient temperature in
degrees Celsius ...
Digitemp Jr. is a device that is designed to measure
and report ambient temperature. When connected to
an RS-232 port on any PC, it will periodically measure
and report in ASCII form the ambient temperature in
degrees Celsius. These temperature readings can be
monitored with any terminal program. If ...
The C8051F020 MCU is connected with the TSC2046 which is a 4-wire touch screen controller. The TSC2046 is controlled by interrup ...
The SN65LBC170 and SN75LBC170 aremonolithic integrated circuits designed forbidirectional data communication on multipointbus-transmission lines. Potential applicationsinclude serial or parallel data transmission, cabledperipheral buses with twin axial, ribbon, ortwisted-pair cabling. These devices ...