
  • Decimal counter which is counting from 256 to 0. After that there will appear logic "1" in out. You

    Decimal counter which is counting from 256 to 0. After that there will appear logic "1" in out. You can stop counting by pressing sequence. I called it detonation clock :]


    标签: counting Decimal counter appear

    上传时间: 2014-10-13


  • An interactive water fountain. A realistic water source in your pocket with full control. Contro

    An interactive water fountain. A realistic water source in your pocket with full control. Controls: UP/DOWN - go closer/further LEFT/RIGHT - rotate # - stop rotation 1/7 - rotate camera up/down 3/9 - change water pressure 4/6 - change water rendering complexity 2/8 - ascend/descend 0 - bullet time ...


    标签: water interactive realistic fountain

    上传时间: 2013-12-19


  • MTK flash TOOL源程序代码 ========== FlashTool v3.1.05 (2007/05/15) ======= Bug fixes: 1. [DA] Fix

    MTK flash TOOL源程序代码 ========== FlashTool v3.1.05 (2007/05/15) ======= Bug fixes: 1. [DA] Fix that DA cannot be loaded on MT6225 for exceeding internal SRAM size. 2. [DA] Fix that NAND download/read-back issue on MT6225 because buffer is linked on TCM. New features: 1. [DA] Supports new NO ...


    标签: FlashTool flash fixes 05

    上传时间: 2014-01-04


  • If you need a simple program to time onscreen events this is it. Just click the window and it will

    If you need a simple program to time onscreen events this is it. Just click the window and it will start timing. Click again and it will stop.


    标签: onscreen program events simple

    上传时间: 2017-08-31


  • WordCloud is a visual depiction of how many times a word is used, or its frequency if you will, with

    WordCloud is a visual depiction of how many times a word is used, or its frequency if you will, within a given set of words. It does this by: reading in plain text, filtering out "stop words", counting how many times a word is used, and displaying results in a Squarified Treemap.


    标签: WordCloud depiction frequency visual

    上传时间: 2017-09-03


  • samba服务器实验指导

    第一节、samba是干什么的?它有什么用? Samba(SMB是其缩写) 是一个网络服务器,它是Linux作为本地服务器最重要的一个服务,用于Linux和Windows共享文件之用;Samba可以用于Windows和 Linux之间的共享文件,也一样用于Linux和Linux之间的共享文件;不过对于Linux和Linux之间共享文件有更好的网络文件系统 NFS,NFS也 ...


    标签: samba 嵌入式

    上传时间: 2015-05-13


  • 透明音乐播放器

    [开源 绿色软件] [运行环境 Windows XP/7/8/10] [语言 简体/繁體/English/Unicode] A cool music player. Powered by Bass and BassVis. 极简本地音乐播放器,透明、纯文本界面。支持轻媒体库、歌词、可视化。最小化到托盘,占用资源少,适合边听音乐边工作。 应网友要求,加入了Tag编辑、自动切换列表、播放队列、鼠标手 ...


    标签: 透明 音乐播放器

    上传时间: 2016-06-10


  • 上海地铁报站气球

    汉中路到了。开左边门,下车请注意安全。We are now at  Hanzhong Road . Doors will open on  the left。     本次列车终点站上海火车站。下一站终点站上海火车站,开左边门。使用公交卡的乘客可在出站后30分钟内换乘3号线、4号线,请注意换成列车的首末班车时间。打开metro大都会手机数码 ...


    标签: 地铁

    上传时间: 2019-07-05


  • stm32l151低功耗



    标签: l151 stm 151 32l 32 低功耗

    上传时间: 2020-04-03


  • Crime+and+Intelligence+Analysis

    In the hit CBS crime show Person of Interest, which debuted in 2011, the two heroes—one a former Central Intelligence Agency agent and the other a billionaire technology genius—work together using the ubiquitous surveillance system in New York City to try to stop violent crime. It’s referred to b ...


    标签: Intelligence Analysis Crime

    上传时间: 2020-05-25
