Input : A set S of planar points
Output : A convex hull for S
Step 1: If S contains no more than five points, use exhaustive searching to find the convex hull and return.
Step 2: Find a median line perpendicular to the X-axis which divides S into SL and SR SL lies to the left of SR .
Step 3: Recursi ...
Boost C++ Libraries
Free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries
Boost C++ Libraries 基本上是一個免費的 C++ 的跨平台函式庫集合,基本上應該可以把它視為 C++ STL 的功能再延伸;他最大的特色在於他是一個經過「同行評審」(peer review,可參考維基百科)、開放原始碼的函式庫,而且有許多 Boost ...