
  • 面向Eclips的Nios II软件构建工具手册

    面向Eclips的Nios II软件构建工具手册 The Nios® II Software Build Tools (SBT) for Eclipse™ is a set of plugins based on the Eclipse™ framework and the Eclipse C/C++ development toolkit (CDT) plugins. The Nios II SBT for Eclipse provides a consistent development platform that works for ...


    标签: Eclips Nios 软件

    上传时间: 2013-11-02


  • Nios II软件开发人员手册中的缓存和紧耦合存储器部分

            Nios II 软件开发人员手册中的缓存和紧耦合存储器部分 Nios® II embedded processor cores can contain instruction and data caches. This chapter discusses cache-related issues that you need to consider to guarantee that your program executes correctly on the ...


    标签: Nios 软件开发 存储器

    上传时间: 2013-10-25


  • Nios II定制指令用户指南

         Nios II定制指令用户指南:With the Altera Nios II embedded processor, you as the system designer can accelerate time-critical software algorithms by adding custom instructions to the Nios II processor instruction set. Using custom instructions, you can reduce a complex sequen ...


    标签: Nios 定制 指令 用户

    上传时间: 2013-10-12


  • Nios II 系列处理器配置选项

        Nios II 系列处理器配置选项:This chapter describes the Nios® II Processor parameter editor in Qsys and SOPC Builder. The Nios II Processor parameter editor allows you to specify the processor features for a particular Nios II hardware system. This chapter covers the features of ...


    标签: Nios II 列处理器

    上传时间: 2015-01-01


  • 采用基于FPGA 的方法缩短高级医疗内窥镜系统的开发时间

      电子发烧友网核心提示:医疗内窥镜的市场发展带来了各种挑战,例如,要求增强功能,更高的精度,更好的处理性能,以及更小的体积等。本文介绍Altera高级医疗内窥镜系统解决方案,它使用了1080p视频设计工作台、DSP 构建模块、参考设计,以及 Stratix® V、Cyclone® V 和 Arria® V FPGA 等。通过下文介绍, ...


    标签: FPGA 内窥镜

    上传时间: 2013-12-19


  • Stratix V FPGA 28 nm创新技术超越摩尔定律

      本白皮书介绍 Stratix V FPGA 是怎样帮助用户提高带宽同时保持其成本和功耗预算不变。在工艺方法基础上,Altera 利用 FPGA 创新技术超越了摩尔定律,满足更大的带宽要求,以及成本和功耗预算。Altera Stratix ® V FPGA 通过 28-Gbps 高功效收发器突破了带宽限制,支持用户使用嵌入式 HardCopy ®模块将更多的 ...


    标签: Stratix FPGA 28 创新技术

    上传时间: 2013-10-08


  • AN522: Implementing Bus LVDS

    This application note describes how to implement the Bus LVDS (BLVDS) interface in the supported Altera ® device families for high-performance multipoint applications. This application note also shows the performance analysis of a multipoint application with the Cyclone III BLVDS example.


    标签: Implementing LVDS 522 Bus

    上传时间: 2013-10-26


  • verilog HDL中wire和reg的区别



    标签: verilog wire HDL reg

    上传时间: 2013-11-06


  • XAPP806 -决定DDR反馈时钟的最佳DCM相移

    This application note describes how to build a system that can be used for determining theoptimal phase shift for a Double Data Rate (DDR) memory feedback clock. In this system, theDDR memory is controlled by a controller that attaches to either the OPB or PLB and is used inan embedded microproces ...


    标签: XAPP 806 DDR DCM

    上传时间: 2014-11-26


  • XAPP1065 - 利用Spartan-6 FPGA设计扩频时钟发生器

      Consumer display applications commonly use high-speed LVDS interfaces to transfer videodata. Spread-spectrum clocking can be used to address electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)issues within these consumer devices. This application note uses Spartan®-6 FPGAs togenerate spread-spectrum ...


    标签: Spartan XAPP 1065 FPGA

    上传时间: 2013-11-01
