Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel products. No license, express or implied, by estoppels or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document. Except as provided in Intel’s Terms and Conditions of Sale for such products, Intel assumes no liab ...
WordCloud is a visual depiction of how many times a word is used, or its frequency if you will, within a given set of words. It does this by: reading in plain text, filtering out "stop words", counting how many times a word is used, and displaying results in a Squarified Treemap.
This book has existed (in one form or another) since the first edition of C# and the .NET Platform
was published in conjunction with the release of .NET 1.0 Beta 2, circa the summer of 2001. Since
that point, I have been extremely happy and grateful to see that this text was very well received by
th ...
PenguinCards is a java-based card game. You can either play against computer or another player. On the board, there are card pairs and your aim is to find out these card pairs. The one who finds out more card pairs is the winner. Have fun!
As a general rule, PhD students and their supervisors tend to focus
primarily, or even exclusively, on the content of the research that will
go into the doctoral thesis. Other issues are often taken for granted:
how to organize your work, give a presentation, work in a team, cope
with your superviso ...