320x240液晶模块底层驱动 控制芯片5408 CPU LPC2131(or Higher)
开发环境 keil C for ARM (MDK3.01)
65536色显示 支持16*16 12*12字库 支持图形 支持触摸 所以程序模块化设计便于移植
You may read code because you have to-to fix it, inspect it, or improve it. You may read code the way an engineer examines a machine--to discover what makes it tick. Or you may read code because you are scavenging--looking for material to reuse.
Code-reading requires its own set of skills, and the ...
* TFTP client compatible with RFC-1350
* compile under visiual c++ or borland c++
* author email: yuyushine@163.com
#define _VC /* if compile under visiual c++ else undefine this*/
#include <stdio.h>
#include <winsock.h>
#include <conio.h>
SrcDecompiler is about creating a Delphi program decompiler. The program is written for Delphi 4 or higher and will not work with a previous version of Delphi. Also it can only decompile programs written with the same version of Delphi as the decompiler is compiled with.
What happens with your machine when you need to move away from the computer for 10 or more minutes? How secure is your data? Can someone sit on your chair while you are at a coworkers office and play with your data?
Maybe you need a computer locking tool that is small and easy to use yet powerful ...