this bulk loopback firmware based on the firmware frameworks.
Loops back EP2OUT to EP6IN and EP4OUT to EP8IN.
Building this example requires the full version of the Keil Tools.
This example provides a description of how to set a communication with the bxCAN
in loopback mode:
- transmit and receive a standard data frame by polling at 100Kbit/S
- transmit and receive an extended data frame with interrupt at 500Kbit/S
- lit some LEDs depending of the program succeed or not ...
FT245U169 FIFO Loopback
This program transmits data through the FT245BM FIFO data bus to the MSP430F169 on Port 4.
The data is decremented and sent back out of Port 4 to to FIFO on the FT245BM.
Use Hyperterminalto send and receive data.
FIFO control lines are on Port2 (P2.0-P2.3).