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Initial 164


  • ssd1297 tft lcd driver initial code

    ssd1297 tft lcd driver initial code


    标签: initial driver 1297 code

    上传时间: 2014-01-10


  • FEATURES • 16 bit PIPE Spec PCI Express Testbench • Link training • Initial Flo

    FEATURES &#8226 16 bit PIPE Spec PCI Express Testbench &#8226 Link training &#8226 Initial Flow Control &#8226 Packet Classes for easy to build PHY,DLLP and TLP packets &#8226 DLLP 16 bit CRC and TLP LCRC generation &#8226 Sequence Number generation and checking &#8226 ACK TLP packets &#8226 ...


    标签: 8226 Testbench FEATURES training

    上传时间: 2014-01-18


  • M16C interrupt settings and Initial code setting for HEW4 for renesas M16c...I coded and optimized.

    M16C interrupt settings and Initial code setting for HEW4 for renesas M16c...I coded and optimized. It will savr time to start a new app. (-:cool:-)


    标签: interrupt and for optimized

    上传时间: 2014-11-22


  • 186TJ TFT LCD initial process Document.

    186TJ TFT LCD initial process Document.


    标签: Document initial process 186

    上传时间: 2014-01-13


  • 使用H桥变压器驱动器,充电超级电容器

    Abstract: With its small size and large load (10W) capability, the MAX13256 H-bridge transformer driver is an attractive solution forcharging supercapacitors (supercaps). However, a large capacitance on the output of the circuit can force the driver into fault modeat startup, due to the high initi ...


    标签: H桥变压器 驱动器 充电 超级电容器

    上传时间: 2013-10-20


  • AT89C2051驱动步进电机的电路和源码

    AT89C2051驱动步进电机的电路和源码:AT89C2051驱动步进电机的电路和源码 程序:stepper.c stepper.hex/* * STEPPER.C * sweeping stepper's rotor cw and cww 400 steps * Copyright (c) 1999 by W.Sirichote */#i nclude c:\mc5151io.h /* include i/o header file */ #i nclude c:\mc5151reg.hregister unsigned char j, ...


    标签: C2051 2051 89C AT

    上传时间: 2013-11-21


  • 卡尔曼滤波器matlab程序

    load initial_track  s; % y:initial data,s:data with noiseT=0.1; % yp denotes the sample value of position% yv denotes the sample value of velocity% Y=[yp(n);yv(n)];% error deviation caused by the random acceleration % known dataY=zeros(2,200);Y0=[0;1];Y(:,1)=Y0;A=[1 T    0 1];&nb ...


    标签: matlab 卡尔曼滤波器 程序

    上传时间: 2014-12-28


  • tcp ip协议详解 中文版PDF

    很多不同的厂家生产各种型号的计算机,它们运行完全不同的操作系统,但TCP.IP协议族允许它们互相进行通信。这一点很让人感到吃惊,因为它的作用已远远超出了起初的设想。T C P / I P起源于6 0年代末美国政府资助的一个分组交换网络研究项目,到9 0年代已发展成为计算机之间最常应用的组网形式。它是一个真正的开放系统, ...


    标签: tcp 协议

    上传时间: 2013-11-13


  • XAPP708 -133MHz PCI-X到128MB DDR小型DIMM存储器桥

      The Virtex-4 features, such as the programmable IDELAY and built-in FIFO support, simplifythe bridging of a high-speed, PCI-X core to large amounts of DDR-SDRAM memory. Onechallenge is meeting the PCI-X target initial latency specification. PCI-X Protocol Addendum tothe PCI Local Bus Spec ...


    标签: PCI-X XAPP DIMM 708

    上传时间: 2013-11-24


  • 重写了微软提供SQLHelper(共用的数据库调用接口) 1把SqlHelper的connectionString做成一个全局量

    重写了微软提供SQLHelper(共用的数据库调用接口) 1把SqlHelper的connectionString做成一个全局量,统一设置数据库连接字符串 2增加了返回特定表名的DataSet的各接口。 可在项目的config文件设置数据库连接字符串 private static string connectionString = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["Conne ...


    标签: connectionString SQLHelper SqlHelper 微软

    上传时间: 2013-12-12
