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  • 基于AT89S52单片机的多功能音乐播放器

    介绍一种多功能音乐播放器,它是以AT89S52单片机为核心,并辅有一些外围器件,采用汇编语言编写程序,实现多功能音乐播放,歌曲自动循环播放和使用琴键自编曲目功能。此外,彩灯显示歌曲节奏,按键跳转到喜爱曲目,液晶显示当前播英文曲目。并给出了系统软硬件设计。 Abstract:  It introduces a multifunctional m ...


    标签: 89S S52 AT 89

    上传时间: 2013-11-18


  • 基于AT89C51的智能矿井环境质量监控系统

     为满足矿井安全生产要求,介绍了一种以AT89C51单片机为主控器,对环境空气的温度、有毒易燃气体的浓度等进行检测的监控系统。该系统配合外围电路能实现对上述环境指标的控制并存储相关数据与上位PC机通信。它采用硬件抗干扰和软件抗干扰技术,以确保整个系统工作的准确性。 Abstract:  In order to meet the ...


    标签: 89C C51 AT 89

    上传时间: 2013-11-10


  • 基于MC33993的多路开关检测接口电路设计

    主要介绍了以PIC18F2480单片机为处理器,基于可编程多路开关检测接口器件MC33993实现的车用多路开关检测接口电路的设计。该设计克服了以往基于分立元件的检测接口电路的弊端,简化了接口电路设计,保证了车用开关工作的可靠性和安全性。 Abstract:  The design of automotive multiple switch detection interface ...


    标签: 33993 MC 多路开关 检测

    上传时间: 2013-11-19


  • 基于XGATE进行Manchester译码的方法

    Using the XGATE for Manchester DecodingTable of Contents 1 Introduction                         1.1 XGATE Module in S12X           ...


    标签: Manchester XGATE 译码

    上传时间: 2013-10-15


  • DTMF Decoding with a PIC16xxx

    This application note describes how to decode standard DTMF tones using the minimum number of external discrete components and a PIC. The two examples use a PIC which has an 8 bit timer and either a comparator or an ADC, although it can be modified for use on a PIC which has only digital I/O. The Ap ...


    标签: Decoding DTMF with PIC

    上传时间: 2013-11-21


  • 传输线

    第一章  传输线理论一  传输线原理二  微带传输线三  微带传输线之不连续分析第二章  被动组件之电感设计与分析一  电感原理二  电感结构与分析三  电感设计与模拟四  电感分析与量测传输线理论与传统电路学之最大不同,主要在于组件之尺寸与传导电波之波长的比值。当 ...


    标签: 传输线

    上传时间: 2013-11-10


  • 开关电源EMI设计(英文版)

    Integrated EMI/Thermal Design forSwitching Power SuppliesWei ZhangThesis submitted to the Faculty of theVirginia Polytechnic Institute and State Universityin partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Integrated EMI/Thermal Design forSwitching Power SuppliesWei Zhang(ABSTRACT)This wor ...


    标签: EMI 开关电源 英文

    上传时间: 2013-11-16


  • Giga Crime Fighting Mecha Gelato-Bots: The Supreme Icecream-Tron Revolution 8,000,000. A top-down ad

    Giga Crime Fighting Mecha Gelato-Bots: The Supreme Icecream-Tron Revolution 8,000,000. A top-down adventure game with three themes; mecha, anime and icecream. This project hopes to evolve with action/rpg/multiplayer elements like classic console games.


    标签: Icecream-Tron Gelato-Bots Revolution 000

    上传时间: 2013-12-18


  • OFELI is an object oriented library of C++ classes for development of finite element codes. Its main

    OFELI is an object oriented library of C++ classes for development of finite element codes. Its main features are : * Various storage schemes of matrices (dense, sparse, skyline). * Direct methods of solution of linear systems of equations as well as various combinations of iterative solvers and pre ...


    标签: development oriented classes element

    上传时间: 2015-03-03


  • merge sort give a set S of n integers and another integer x, determine whether or not there exits tw

    merge sort give a set S of n integers and another integer x, determine whether or not there exits two elements in S whose sum is exactly x.


    标签: determine integers another integer

    上传时间: 2013-12-23
