The JavaServer Pages (JSP) Expression Language (EL) is a
simple non-procedural scripting language that can be used
to evaluate dynamic expressions within a JSP page. Each EL
expression evaluates to a single value that is then expressed as
text in the output of the JSP (when used in template text ...
In number theory, the Euclidean algorithm (also called Euclid s algorithm) is an algorithm to determine the greatest common divisor (GCD) of two elements of any Euclidean domain (for example, the integers). Its major significance is that it does not require factoring the two integers, and it is also ...
this file has codes that describes how to ccmpute the signal spectrum , the power spectrum, how to calculate the autocorrelation sequence of a signal, how to calculate the autoregressive coeffecients of a signal,and how to reduce the noisy elements in a speech sample.
Abstract—We describe a technique for image encoding in which local operators of many scales but identical shape serve as the basis functions. The representation differs from established techniques in that the code elements are localized in spatial frequency as well as in space.
The software and hardware development fields evolved along separate paths through the end of the 20th century. We seem to have come full circle, however. The previously rigid hardware on which our programs run is softening in many ways. Embedded systems are largely responsible for this softening. Th ...
Click is a modular router toolkit. To use it you ll need to know how to
compile and install the software, how to write router configurations, and
how to write new elements. Our ACM Transactions on Computer Systems paper,
available from the Web site, will give you a feeling for what Click can
do. Usi ...
The running time of quicksort can be improved in practice by taking advantage of the fast
running time of insertion sort when its input is “nearly” sorted. When quicksort is called on a
subarray with fewer than k elements, let it simply return without sorting the subarray. After the
top-level call ...
While there are many textbooks about the European Union (EU),
Clive Archer covers the essential elements of the EU clearly and con-
cisely, outlining the key debates and issues it faces today