这个程序是一个基于对话框的程序,有一个简单的菜单.当用户选择"connect"时,它将试图连接test.mdb数据库,如果连接成功,将显示由ODBC驱动程序返回的完整连接字符串.接下来,用户可选择"View All Records"命令,程序会使用listview control来显示数据库中的所有数据.用户还可以选择"Query"命令来查询特定的记录.例子程序将会显 ...
With the rapid growth in the number of wireless applications, services and devices,
using a single wireless technology such as a second generation (2G) and third gener-
ation (3G) wireless system would not be efficient to deliver high speed data rate and
quality-of-service (QoS) support to mobile us ...
Complex networks are powerful allies of our quest to tackle complexity in all
of science. Many lines can be written about the benefits of using networks to
study complex systems. Nevertheless, if I had to name their single most appealing
property,Iwouldsaysimplicity.Onecanmaptheinteractingelementsof ...
Mobile telephone service (MTS) is a type of service where mobile radio tele-
phones connect people to the public switched telephone system (PSTN), to
other mobile telephones or to other communication systems (such as to the
During the past three decades, the world has seen signifi cant changes in the telecom-
munications industry. There has been rapid growth in wireless communications, as
seen by large expansion in mobile systems. Wireless communications have moved
from fi rst-generation (1G) systems primarily focused ...
Wireless Mesh Networks (WMN) are believed to be a highly promising
technology and will play an increasingly important role in future
generation wireless mobile networks. WMN is characterized by
dynamic self-organization, self-configuration and self-healing to
enable quick deployment, easy maintenanc ...
Driven by the rapid advancement of technology and the growing need of business
requirements, cyber communications are embedded in many physical systems. The
integration of cyber and physical capabilities leads to the creation of many applica-
tions with enormous societal impact and economic benefit. ...