
源代码在线查看: tn12def.inc

软件大小: 574027 K
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关键词: 686 zip 单片机 光盘
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				;* A P P L I C A T I O N   N O T E   F O R   T H E   A V R   F A M I L Y
				;* Number               :AVR000
				;* File Name            :"tn12.inc"
				;* Title                :Register/Bit Definitions for the ATtiny12
				;* Date                 :99.01.28
				;* Version              :1.30
				;* Support telephone    :+47 72 88 43 88 (ATMEL Norway)
				;* Support fax          :+47 72 88 43 99 (ATMEL Norway)
				;* Support E-mail       :avr@atmel.com
				;* Target MCU           :ATtiny12
				;* When including this file in the assembly program file, all I/O register      
				;* names and I/O register bit names appearing in the data book can be used.
				;* In addition, the two registers forming the data pointer Z have been 
				;* assigned names ZL - ZH. 
				;* The Register names are represented by their hexadecimal address.
				;* The Register Bit names are represented by their bit number (0-7).
				;* Please observe the difference in using the bit names with instructions
				;* such as "sbr"/"cbr" (set/clear bit in register) and "sbrs"/"sbrc" 
				;* (skip if bit in register set/cleared). The following example illustrates
				;* this:
				;* in   r16,PORTB               ;read PORTB latch
				;* sbr  r16,(1				;* out  PORTB,r16               ;output to PORTB
				;* in   r16,TIFR                ;read the Timer Interrupt Flag Register
				;* sbrc r16,TOV0                ;test the overflow flag (use bit#)
				;* rjmp TOV0_is_set             ;jump if set
				;* ...                          ;otherwise do something else
				;***** Specify Device
				.device ATtiny12
				;***** I/O Register Definitions
				.equ    SREG    =$3f
				.equ    GIMSK   =$3b
				.equ    GIFR    =$3a
				.equ    TIMSK   =$39
				.equ    TIFR    =$38
				.equ    MCUCR   =$35
				.equ    MCUSR   =$34
				.equ    TCCR0   =$33
				.equ    TCNT0   =$32
				.equ    OSCCAL  =$31
				.equ    WDTCR   =$21
				.equ    EEAR    =$1e
				.equ    EEDR    =$1d
				.equ    EECR    =$1c
				.equ    PORTB   =$18
				.equ    DDRB    =$17
				.equ    PINB    =$16
				.equ    ACSR    =$08
				;***** Bit Definitions
				.equ    INT0    =6
				.equ    PCIE    =5
				.equ    INTF0   =6
				.equ    PCIF    =5
				.equ    TOIE0   =1
				.equ    TOV0    =1
				.equ    CS02    =2
				.equ    CS01    =1
				.equ    CS00    =0
				.equ    PUD     =6
				.equ    SE      =5
				.equ    SM      =4
				.equ    ISC01   =1
				.equ    ISC00   =0
				.equ    WDDE    =4
				.equ    WDE     =3
				.equ    WDP2    =2
				.equ    WDP1    =1
				.equ    WDP0    =0
				.equ    CAL7    =7
				.equ    CAL6    =6
				.equ    CAL5    =5
				.equ    CAL4    =4
				.equ    CAL3    =3
				.equ    CAL2    =2
				.equ    CAL1    =1
				.equ    CAL0    =0
				.equ    EERIE   =3
				.equ    EEMWE   =2
				.equ    EEWE    =1
				.equ    EERE    =0
				.equ    PB4     =4
				.equ    PB3     =3
				.equ    PB2     =2
				.equ    PB1     =1
				.equ    PB0     =0
				.equ    DDB5    =5
				.equ    DDB4    =4
				.equ    DDB3    =3
				.equ    DDB2    =2
				.equ    DDB1    =1
				.equ    DDB0    =0
				.equ    PINB5   =5
				.equ    PINB4   =4
				.equ    PINB3   =3
				.equ    PINB2   =2
				.equ    PINB1   =1
				.equ    PINB0   =0
				.equ    ACD     =7
				.equ    AINBG   =6
				.equ    ACO     =5
				.equ    ACI     =4
				.equ    ACIE    =3
				.equ    ACIS1   =1
				.equ    ACIS0   =0
				.equ    WDRF    =3
				.equ    BORF    =2
				.equ    EXTRF   =1
				.equ    PORF    =0
				.def    ZL      =r30
				.def    ZH      =r31
				.equ	FLASHEND=$1FF
				.equ	E2END	=3F
				.equ    INT0addr=$001   ;External Interrupt0 Vector Address
				.equ    PCINTaddr=$002  ;Pin change Interrupt Vector Address
				.equ    OVF0addr=$003   ;Overflow0 Interrupt Vector Address
				.equ    ERDYaddr =$004  ;EEPROM Interrupt Vector Address
				.equ    ACIaddr =$005   ;Analog Comparator Interrupt Vector Address
