Tiny Planet is small device connected to a GSM cell phone. When the mobile receives a predefined SMS
源代码在线查看: tn12def.inc
;***** Specify Device
.device ATtiny12
;***** I/O Register Definitions
.equ SREG =$3f
.equ GIMSK =$3b
.equ GIFR =$3a
.equ TIMSK =$39
.equ TIFR =$38
.equ MCUCR =$35
.equ MCUSR =$34
.equ TCCR0 =$33
.equ TCNT0 =$32
.equ OSCCAL =$31
.equ WDTCR =$21
.equ EEAR =$1e
.equ EEDR =$1d
.equ EECR =$1c
.equ PORTB =$18
.equ DDRB =$17
.equ PINB =$16
.equ ACSR =$08
;***** Bit Definitions
.equ INT0 =6
.equ PCIE =5
.equ INTF0 =6
.equ PCIF =5
.equ TOIE0 =1
.equ TOV0 =1
.equ CS02 =2
.equ CS01 =1
.equ CS00 =0
.equ PUD =6
.equ SE =5
.equ SM =4
.equ ISC01 =1
.equ ISC00 =0
.equ WDDE =4
.equ WDE =3
.equ WDP2 =2
.equ WDP1 =1
.equ WDP0 =0
.equ CAL7 =7
.equ CAL6 =6
.equ CAL5 =5
.equ CAL4 =4
.equ CAL3 =3
.equ CAL2 =2
.equ CAL1 =1
.equ CAL0 =0
.equ EERIE =3
.equ EEMWE =2
.equ EEWE =1
.equ EERE =0
.equ PB4 =4
.equ PB3 =3
.equ PB2 =2
.equ PB1 =1
.equ PB0 =0
.equ DDB5 =5
.equ DDB4 =4
.equ DDB3 =3
.equ DDB2 =2
.equ DDB1 =1
.equ DDB0 =0
.equ PINB5 =5
.equ PINB4 =4
.equ PINB3 =3
.equ PINB2 =2
.equ PINB1 =1
.equ PINB0 =0
.equ ACD =7
.equ AINBG =6
.equ ACO =5
.equ ACI =4
.equ ACIE =3
.equ ACIS1 =1
.equ ACIS0 =0
.equ WDRF =3
.equ BORF =2
.equ EXTRF =1
.equ PORF =0
.def ZL =r30
.def ZH =r31
.equ E2END =3F
.equ INT0addr=$001 ;External Interrupt0 Vector Address
.equ PCINTaddr=$002 ;Pin change Interrupt Vector Address
.equ OVF0addr=$003 ;Overflow0 Interrupt Vector Address
.equ ERDYaddr =$004 ;EEPROM Interrupt Vector Address
.equ ACIaddr =$005 ;Analog Comparator Interrupt Vector Address