;;; ;
;;; ;
;;; Copyright 1987, 1988, 1990, 1992, 1994, 1996, 1997, 1998 ;
;;; by Autodesk, Inc. All Rights Reserved. ;
;;; ;
;;; You are hereby granted permission to use, copy and modify this ;
;;; software without charge, provided you do so exclusively for ;
;;; your own use or for use by others in your organization in the ;
;;; performance of their normal duties, and provided further that ;
;;; the above copyright notice appears in all copies and both that ;
;;; copyright notice and the limited warranty and restricted rights ;
;;; notice below appear in all supporting documentation. ;
;;; ;
;;; Incorporation of any part of this software into other software, ;
;;; except when such incorporation is exclusively for your own use ;
;;; or for use by others in your organization in the performance of ;
;;; their normal duties, is prohibited without the prior written ;
;;; consent of Autodesk, Inc. ;
;;; ;
;;; Copying, modification and distribution of this software or any ;
;;; part thereof in any form except as expressly provided herein is ;
;;; prohibited without the prior written consent of Autodesk, Inc. ;
;;; ;
;;; ;
;;; Restricted Rights for US Government Users. This software ;
;;; and Documentation are provided with RESTRICTED RIGHTS for US ;
;;; US Government users. Use, duplication, or disclosure by the ;
;;; Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in FAR ;
;;; 12.212 (Commercial Computer Software-Restricted Rights) and ;
;;; DFAR 227.7202 (Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software), ;
;;; as applicable. Manufacturer is Autodesk, Inc., 111 McInnis ;
;;; Parkway, San Rafael, California 94903. ;
;;; ;
;;; This file is from the Garden Path tutorial, and represents the ;
;;; final state of the application at the end of Lesson 7. Use this ;
;;; file to check your work. ;
;;; First step is to load ActiveX functionality. If ActiveX support ;
;;; already exists in document (can occur when Bonus tools have been ;
;;; loaded into AutoCAD), nothing happens. ;
;;; For ActiveX functions, we need to define a global variable which ;
;;; "points" to the Model Space portion of the active drawing. This ;
;;; variable, named *ModelSpace* will be created at load time. ;
(setq *ModelSpace*
(vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-acad-object))
) ;_ end of vla-get-ModelSpace
) ;_ end of setq
;;; Function: Degrees->Radians ;
;;; Description: This function converts a number representing an ;
;;; angular measurement in degrees, into its radian ;
;;; equivalent. There is no error checking done on the ;
;;; numberOfDegrees parameter -- it is always expected ;
;;; to be a valid number. ;
(defun Degrees->Radians (numberOfDegrees)
(* pi (/ numberOfDegrees 180.0))
) ;_ end of defun
;;; Function: 3dPoint->2dPoint ;
;;; Description: This function takes one parameter representing a ;
;;; 3D point (a list of three integers or reals), and ;
;;; converts it into a 2D point (a list of two reals). ;
;;; There is no error checking done on the 3dpt ;
;;; parameter -- it is always expected to be a valid ;
;;; point. ;
;;; Work to do: Add some kind of parameter checking so that this ;
;;; function won't crash a program if it is passed a ;
;;; null value, or some other kind of data type than a ;
;;; 3D point. ;
(defun 3dPoint->2dPoint (3dpt)
(list (float(car 3dpt)) (float(cadr 3dpt)))
) ;_ end of defun
;;; Function: list->variantArray ;
;;; Description: This function takes one parameter representing a ;
;;; list of double values, e.g. a list of 2D points: ;
;;; '(p1.X p1.Y p2.X p2.Y p3.X p3.Y p4.X p4.Y). ;
;;; The list is converted into an ActiveX ;
;;; variant based on a safearray. ;
;;; No error checking is performed on the parameter -- ;
;;; it is assumed to consist of a list of doubles. ;
;;;------------------------------------------------------------------- ;
(defun gp:list->variantArray (ptsList / arraySpace sArray)
; allocate space for an array of 2d points stored as doubles
(setq arraySpace
vlax-vbdouble ; element type
(cons 0
(- (length ptsList) 1)
) ; array dimension
(setq sArray (vlax-safearray-fill arraySpace ptsList))
; return array variant
(vlax-make-variant sArray)
;;; Function: xyzList->ListOfPoints ;
;;; Description: This function extracts and formats 3D point lists ;
;;; from one big list of reals, in the form: ;
;;; (x y z x y z x y z ...) ;
;;; This is the format of the data returned by the ;
;;; vla-get-coordinates function when applied to a ;
;;; standard polyline object. ;
;;; The return value will be a list in the format: ;
;;; ((x y z) (x y z) (x y z) ... ) ;
(defun xyzList->ListOfPoints (coordList / ptlist)
(while coordList
(setq ptlist (append ptlist
(list (list (car coordList) (cadr coordList) (caddr coordList)))
) ;_ end of append
coordList (cdddr coordList)
) ;_ end of setq
) ;_ end of while
;;; (setq ptlist ptlist)
) ;_ end of defun
;;; Function: xyList->ListOfPoints ;
;;; Description: This function extracts and formats 2D point lists ;
;;; from one big list of reals, in the form: ;
;;; (x y x y x y ...) ;
;;; This is the format of the data returned by the ;
;;; vla-get-coordinates function when applied to a ;
;;; lightweight polyline object. ;
;;; The return value will be a list in the format: ;
;;; ((x y) (x y) (x y) ... ) ;
(defun xyList->ListOfPoints (coordList / ptlist)
(while coordList
(setq ptlist (append ptlist
(list (list (car coordList) (cadr coordList)))
) ;_ end of append
coordList (cddr coordList)
) ;_ end of setq
) ;_ end of while
;;; (setq ptlist ptlist)
) ;_ end of defun
;;; Function: CleanReactors ;
;;; Description: This is a general utility function used for cleaning ;
;;; up reactors. It can be used during debugging, as ;
;;; well as cleaning up any open reactors before a ;
;;; drawing is closed. ;
(defun CleanReactors ()
(setq *commandReactor* nil ; clear the variable
*DrawingReactor* nil ; clear the variable
(mapcar 'vlr-remove-all
'(:VLR-AcDb-reactor :VLR-Editor-reactor
:VLR-Linker-reactor :VLR-Object-reactor
:VLR-Command-Reactor :VLR-DeepClone-Reactor
:VLR-DocManager-Reactor :VLR-DWG-Reactor
:VLR-DXF-Reactor :VLR-Editor-reactor
:VLR-Insert-Reactor :VLR-Linker-Reactor
:VLR-Lisp-Reactor :VLR-Miscellaneous-Reactor
:VLR-Mouse-Reactor :VLR-Object-Reactor
:VLR-SysVar-Reactor :VLR-Toolbar-Reactor
:VLR-Undo-Reactor :VLR-Wblock-Reactor
:VLR-Window-Reactor :VLR-XREF-Reactor
) ;_ end of mapcar
) ;_ end of defun
;;; Function: square ;
;;; Description: This function returns the square of a number ;
;;; example: (square 7) returns 49 ;
(defun square (aNumber)
(* aNumber aNumber)
) ;_ end of defun
;;; Function: getPerp-Distance-and-Angle ;
;;; Description: This function returns a list with the distance and ;
;;; perpendicular angle to user pt3, and is determined ;
;;; by supplied points pt1 pt2. Pt3 is "user input" ;
;;; and need not be at right angles. This allows us to ;
;;; solve for cases where ortho mode is off. ;
;;; Example usage: ;
;;; (setq Data (getPerp-Distance-and-Angle pt1 pt2 pt3) ) ;
;;; Arguments: ;
;;; pt1 seed point ;
;;; pt2 seed point ;
;;; Note: pt1 and pt2 denote a "line" segment ;
;;; pt3 "user point" (point to solve for) ;
(defun getPerp-Distance-and-Angle (linept1 linept2 userpt3 / dist:pt1->pt2
dist:pt1->pt3 dist:pt2->pt3
(setq dist:pt1->pt2 (distance linept1 linept2)
dist:pt1->pt3 (distance linept1 userpt3)
dist:pt2->pt3 (distance linept2 userpt3)
dist:pt2->ToPerpPt (/ (- (+ (SQUARE dist:pt2->pt3)
(SQUARE dist:pt1->pt2))
(SQUARE dist:pt1->pt3))
(* 2.0 dist:pt1->pt2))
) ;_ end of setq
;; return a list of the point perpendicular from userpt3
;; on line segment between linept1 and linept2, as well
;; as the angle & distance between userpt3 and perpPt
(setq perpPt(polar linept2 (angle linept2 linept1) dist:pt2->ToPerpPt))
(distance userpt3 perpPt)
(angle userpt3 perpPt)
) ;_ end of list
) ;_end of defun
;;; Function: midPoint ;
;;; Description: This function returns the point at the middle ;
;;; between two give points ;
(defun midPoint (pt1 pt2)
(polar pt1 (angle pt1 pt2) (/ (distance pt1 pt2) 2.00))
) ;_ end of defun
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