it is a matlab file foe develop SLAM localization this is a toolbox for develop develop realtime e

源代码在线查看: get.m

软件大小: 7457 K
上传用户: cnnotes
关键词: develop localization realtime toolbox
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				%GET    Get method for differential drive robot object.				%   V = GET(R,'PropertyName') returns the value of the specified				%   property for the differential drive robot object R.				%				%   GET(R) displays all property names and their current values				%   for the differential drive robot object R.				%				%   Examples:				%      state = get(r,'x');				% 				%   See also: ROBOTDD/SET.								% Copyright (c) 2004, CAS-KTH. See licence file for more info.				% v.1.0, Nov. 2003, Kai Arras								function val = get(varargin);								switch nargin,				  case 1,				    r = varargin{1};				    if (isa(r,'robotdd'))				      get(r.robot);				      disp(sprintf('          X = [%s  %s  %s]', num2str(r.x(1)), ...				        num2str(r.x(2)), num2str(r.x(3))));				      disp(sprintf('          C = [%s  %s  %s; %s  %s  %s; %s  %s  %s]', ...				        num2str(r.C(1,1)), num2str(r.C(1,2)), num2str(r.C(1,3)), ...				        num2str(r.C(2,1)), num2str(r.C(2,2)), num2str(r.C(2,3)), ...				        num2str(r.C(3,1)), num2str(r.C(3,2)), num2str(r.C(3,3))));				      disp(sprintf('         Rl = [%s]', num2str(r.rl)));				      disp(sprintf('         Rr = [%s]', num2str(r.rr)));				      disp(sprintf('          B = [%s]', num2str(r.b)));				   else				      error('robotdd/get: Wrong argument type')				    end;				  case 2,				    r = varargin{1};				    prop_name = varargin{2};				    switch lower(prop_name),				      case 'type',				        val = get(r.robot,'type');				      case 'id',				        val = get(r.robot,'id');				      case 'name',				        val = get(r.robot,'name');				      case {'x', 'state'},				        val = r.x;				      case 'c',				        val = r.C;				      case 'b',				        val = r.b;				      case 'rl',				        val = r.rl;				      case 'rr',				        val = r.rr;				      case 'formtype',				        val = get(r.robot,'formtype');				      case {'timestamp', 'time'},				        val = get(r.robot,'timestamp');				      otherwise				        error([prop_name,' is not a valid robot object property']);				    end;				  otherwise				    error('robotdd/get: Wrong number of input arguments')				end			
