
源代码在线查看: rrdlastds.pl.in

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关键词: rrdtools 监控软件
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				#! @PERL@				#				# rrdlastds - report the latest DS values from the RRA with				# the shortest time resolution				#				# steve rader				# 				# Jan 8th, 2000				#				# $Id: rrdlastds.pl.in,v 2002/02/26 10:21:19 oetiker Exp $				#								#makes things work when run without install				use lib qw( ../../perl-shared/blib/lib ../../perl-shared/blib/arch );				# this is for after install				use lib qw( @prefix@/lib/perl ../lib/perl );								use RRDs;								%scale_symbols = qw( -18 a -15 f -12 p -9 n -6 u -3 m 				  3 k 6 M 9 G 12 T 15 P 18 E );								#----------------------------------------								while ( $ARGV[0] =~ /^-/ ) {				  switch: {				    if ( $ARGV[0] eq '--autoscale' || $ARGV[0] =~ /^-a/ ) {				      $scale = 1;				      last switch;				    }				    if ( $ARGV[0] eq '--conversion' || $ARGV[0] =~ /^-c/ ) {				      shift @ARGV;				      $conversion = $ARGV[0];				      if ( $conversion !~ /^\d+$|^\d+\.\d+$|^\.\d+$/ ) {				        print "rrdlastds: bad conversion factor \"$conversion\"\n";				        exit 1;				      }				      last switch;				    }				    if ( $ARGV[0] eq '--label' || $ARGV[0] =~ /^-l/ ) {				      shift @ARGV;				      $label = $ARGV[0];				      last switch;				    }				    if ( $ARGV[0] eq '--start' || $ARGV[0] =~ /^-s/ ) {				      shift @ARGV;				      $start = $ARGV[0]; 				      if ( $start =~ /^\d+$/ ) {				        $end = $start+1;				      } else {				        $end = "${start}+1sec";				      }				      last switch;				    }				    if ( $ARGV[0] eq '--verbose' || $ARGV[0] =~ /^-v/ ) {				      $verbose = 1;				      last switch;				    }				    if ( $ARGV[0] eq '--debug' || $ARGV[0] =~ /^-d/ ) {				      $debug = 1;				      last switch;				    }				    print "rrdlastds: unknown option \"$ARGV[0]\"\n";				    exit 1;				  }				  shift @ARGV;				}								if ( $#ARGV != 0 ) {				  print 				usage: rrdlastds [-v] [-a] [-c num] [-l label] [-s stamp] some.rrd				  -v        print the start and end times (also --verbose)				  -a        autoscale DS values (also --autoscale)				  -c num    convert DS values by "num" (also --conversion)				  -l label  label DS values with "label" (also --label)				  -s time   report about DS values at the time "time" (also --start)								  The -s option supports the traditional "seconds since the Unix epoch"				  and the AT-STYLE time specification (see man rrdfetch)				_EOT_				  exit 1;				}								if ( ! -f "$ARGV[0]" ) {				  print "rrdlastds: can't find \"$ARGV[0]\"\n";				  exit 1;				} 								#----------------------------------------								if ( $start ) {				  @fetch = ("$ARGV[0]", "-s", "$start", "-e", "$end", "AVERAGE");				} else {				  @fetch = ("$ARGV[0]", "-s", "-1sec", "AVERAGE");				}				if ( $debug ) {				  print "rrdfetch ", join(' ',@fetch), "\n";				}								($start,$step,$names,$data) = RRDs::fetch @fetch;								if ( $error = RRDs::error ) {				  print "rrdlastds: rrdtool fetch failed: \"$error\"\n";				  exit 1;				}								#----------------------------------------								if ( $debug ) {				  $d_start = $start;				  print "Start:       ", scalar localtime($d_start), " ($d_start)\n";				  print "Step size:   $step seconds\n";				  print "DS names:    ", join (", ", @$names)."\n";				  print "Data points: ", $#$data + 1, "\n";				  print "Data:\n";				  foreach $line (@$data) {				    print "  ", scalar localtime($d_start), " ($d_start) ";				    $d_start += $step;				    foreach $val (@$line) {				      printf "%12.1f ", $val;				    }				    print "\n";				  }				  print "\n";				}				   				#----------------------------------------								if ( $verbose ) {				  print scalar localtime($start), ' through ', 				    scalar localtime($start+$step), "\naverage";				} else {				  print scalar localtime($start);				}								$line = $$data[0];				for $i (0 .. $#$names) {				  if ( $conversion ) {				    $$line[$i] = $$line[$i] * $conversion;				  }				  if ( $scale ) {				    ($val, $units) = autoscale($$line[$i]);				  } else {				    $val = $$line[$i];				  }				  printf "  %.2f$units$label %s", $val, $$names[$i];				}				print "\n";								exit 0;								#==================================================================								sub autoscale {				  local($value) = @_;				  local($floor, $mag, $index, $symbol, $new_value);								  if ( $value =~ /^\s*[0]+\s*$/ || 				       $value =~ /^\s*[0]+.[0]+\s*$/ || 				       $value =~ /^\s*NaN\s*$/ ) {				    return $value, ' ';				  }								  $floor = &floor($value);				  $mag = int($floor/3);				  $index = $mag * 3;				  $symbol = $scale_symbols{$index};				  $new_value = $value / (10 ** $index);				  return $new_value, " $symbol";				}								#------------------------------------------------------------------								sub floor {				  local($value) = @_;				  local($i) = 0;								  if ( $value > 1.0 ) {				    # scale downward...				    while ( $value > 10.0 ) {				      $i++;				      $value /= 10.0;				    }				  } else {				    while ( $value < 10.0 ) {				      $i--;				      $value *= 10.0;				    }				  }				  return $i;				}											
