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关键词: rrdtools 监控软件
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				#! @PERL@ -w								# $Id: killspike.pl.in,v 2002/02/26 10:21:19 oetiker Exp $				# $Source: /home/oetiker/data/cvs-repo/AABN-rrdtool/contrib/killspike/killspike.pl.in,v $								# This script will read an XML file produced by				#	rrdtool dump foo.rrd >in.xml				# and look at the $maxspike highest samples per datasource. It then finds				# the records with the most hits and ditches the data. The resulting file				# can be read back into the RRD database with the command				#	rrdtool restore out.xml foo.rrd				#				# The whole idea is to find and eradicate "spikes" caused by erroneous				# readings affecting entire records.				#				# This tool is not for the faint of heart, will require tweaking per case				# (even though that should just be picking values for cutoff and to a lesser				# extent, maxspike). It will cause data loss, for obvious reasons.				#				# THIS SOFTWARE IS DISTRIBUTED IN THE HOPE THAT IT IS USEFUL, AND COMES WITH				# NO WARRANTY. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!				#				#			Bert Driehuis 								use strict;								my $maxspike = 25;	# How many top samples to consider per datasource				my $cutoff = 20;	# How many records to ditch				my $debug = 1;				my $file = "in.xml";				my $outfile = "out.xml";								my $nds = 0;				my @dsl = ();				my @dsi = ();				my @topindx = ();				my @botindx = ();				my @dsname = ();				my $i;				my $j;								# Count the number of data sources				open(IN, $file) || die;				while() {					if (/\s*(\w+)\s*/) {						$dsname[$nds] = $1;						$nds++;					}				}				close IN;								print "Found $nds datasources\n" if $debug;								# Set up the list of lists for the datasource data				for ($i = 0; $i < $nds; $i++) {					my @dsdata = ();					push @dsl, \@dsdata;					my @dsindex = ();					push @dsi, \@dsindex;					my @top = ();					push @topindx, \@top;					my @bot = ();					push @botindx, \@bot;				}								# Slurp all datasource fields into the @dsl Lol				my $recno = -1;				open(IN, $file) || die;				while() {					next if !//;					$recno++;					my @data = split(/ /);					die "Malformed input" if $data[5] ne "";					die "Malformed record" if $data[5 + ($nds * 2)] ne "\n";					for ($i = 0; $i < $nds; $i++) {						my $sample = $data[($i * 2) + 6];						#print "$sample\n";						push @{$dsl[$i]}, $sample;					}				}				close IN;								# Set up a LoL with indexes, and ditch the values that represent NaN's				for ($i = 0; $i < $nds; $i++) {					@{$dsi[$i]} = grep { ${$dsl[$i]}[$_] ne "NaN" } (0..$recno);					print "$dsname[$i] has $#{$dsi[$i]} valid samples\n" if $debug;				}								sub sortit {					${$dsl[$i]}[$a]  ${$dsl[$i]}[$b];				}				my %indexes;				for ($i = 0; $i < $nds; $i++) {					next if ($#{$dsi[$i]} < $maxspike);					@{$dsi[$i]} = sort sortit @{$dsi[$i]};					@{$botindx[$i]} = @{$dsi[$i]};					@{$topindx[$i]} = splice(@{$botindx[$i]}, -$maxspike);					print "$dsname[$i] top $maxspike: ".join(' ', @{$topindx[$i]})."\n";					for($j = 0; $j < $maxspike; $j++) {						$indexes{${$topindx[$i]}[$j]} = 0 if								!defined($indexes{${$topindx[$i]}[$j]});						$indexes{${$topindx[$i]}[$j]}++;						printf "%1.1e ", ${$dsl[$i]}[${$topindx[$i]}[$j]];					}					print "\n";				}								# Report on the hit rate of the records to be dumped, and a few for				# reference.				$j = 0;				my %ditch;				foreach $i (sort {$indexes{$b}  $indexes{$a}} keys %indexes) {					print "Record index $i: $indexes{$i} hits\n";					$ditch{$i} = 1 if $j < $cutoff;					print "----------\n" if $j + 1 == $cutoff;					last if $j++ > $maxspike;				}								# Okay, so we start ditching the records. You can always re-run the script				# if the results don't suit you after adjusting $cutoff or $maxspike.				$recno = -1;				open(IN, $file) || die;				open(OUT, ">$outfile") || die;				while() {					print OUT if !//;					next if !//;					$recno++;					print OUT if !defined($ditch{$recno});					next if !defined($ditch{$recno});					my @data = split(/ /);					for ($i = 0; $i < $nds; $i++) {						$data[($i * 2) + 6] = "NaN";					}					print OUT join(' ', @data);				}				close IN;				close OUT;							
