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												This section contains general, i.e. non-HTTP, configuration.				resin.conf is a general configuration file, like NT's registry.				Some Resin modules like logging have their configuration in				resin.conf, but outside the  block.								Configuration is based on element XML.  The canonical form uses				elements only, like the Servlet 2.2 deployment descriptors.				To make the configuration more readable, you can use an attribute				as syntactic sugar for an element.								The following are equivalent:								<foo><bar>13</bar></foo>canonical representation, but verbose				<foo bar=13/>typical configuration				<foo><bar id=13/></foo>Useful for a key-based list.												In general, the order is not important, but the nesting depth is.				In this reference guide,  refers to				a configuration like:												<caucho.com>				  <http-server>				    <http>				      <port>80</port>				    </http>				  </http-server>				</caucho.com>												That example could be rewritten as:												<caucho.com>				  <http-server>				    <http port='80'/>				  </http-server>				</caucho.com>																																Includes another configuration file.												<caucho.com>				<http-server>				  <host id='host1'>				    <resin:include href='host.conf'/>				  </host>				  <host id='host2'>				    <resin:include href='host.conf'/>				  </host>				</http-server>				</caucho.com>																				Includes files in a directory.  All the files in the				directory named by the  and which have the given extension				will be inserted into the XML document.												<caucho.com>				<http-server>				  <host id='host1'>				    <resin:include-directory sub='host.conf' extension='.xml'/>				  </host>				</http-server>				</caucho.com>																				Configuration for the Java compiler.  In general, we recommend				using IBM's  compiler because it's significantly faster than				the "internal" compiler.																AttributeMeaningDefault				classpathextra classpath (Resin 1.2.3)none				compilerPath to the java compiler or "internal"internal				compiler-argsExtra args to pass to the compilernone				encodingCharacter encoding (Resin 1.2.4)none				max-compile-timeLimits the time for a Java compilation (Resin 1.2.3)30 sec																<caucho.com>				  <java compiler='/usr/local/bin/jikes'				         compiler-args='-g'/>				  ...				</caucho.com>												The "internal" compiler is the default only because it's always available				for any JDK.  The external jikes compiler is generally a preferred				configuration.																Debug log configuration.  Most of Resin's code has debug logging				built in.  The <log> configuration enables that logging, allowing				users to see what's going on.  The debug logging can be useful when				trying to understand what HTTP requests and headers the browser is sending				or Resin is returning.												AttributeMeaningdefault				idName of debugging sectionnone				hrefDestination filenone				timestamptimestamp formatnone				rollover-counthow many rotated () logs to keep.2				rollover-periodHow often to rotate the log.none												For example, to log everything to standard error use:												<caucho.com>				  <log id='/' href='stderr:' timestamp="[%H:%M:%S.%s]"/>				</caucho.com>																log  valueMeaning				/Debug everything				/caucho.com/jspDebug jsp				/caucho.com/javaSee all Java compilation				/caucho.com/xslXSL debugging				/caucho.com/tcp-server				    See thread creation and deletion				/caucho.com/sql				    See database pooling				/caucho.com/http				    HTTP related information				/caucho.com/http/session				    HTTP sessions				/caucho.com/distribution				    Distributed and persistent sessions				/caucho.com/http/cache				    Resin's proxy cache												The timestamp can include the following patterns:												PatternMeaning				%ashort weekday (mon, tue, ...)				%Along weekday (Monday, Tuesday, ...)				%bshort month (Jan, Feb, ...)				%Blong month (January, February, ...)				%clocale specific date				%dday of month				%H24-hour				%I12-hour				%jday of year				%mmonth				%Mminute				%pam/pm				%Sseconds				%smilliseconds				%Wweek of year				%wday of week				%y2-digit year				%Y4-digit year																								VFS mailto: configuration.  The smtp.vfs configuration only				applies to the mailto: scheme in Resin's VFS. See the form mailing tutorial.												AttributeMeaningDefault				hostSMTP hostlocalhost				portSMTP port25				sendersending mail addressThe current user and local host																								httpd and srun configuration.								Configures both http and srun.  The				configuration is identical.																				Sets the Unix group.  To listen to port 80, Unix systems require Resin				to start as root.  group-name lets the server change to a safer user after				listening to port 80.												<caucho.com>				  <user-name>httpd</user-name>				  <group-name>daemon</group-name>				</caucho.com>																				Sets a Java system property.  The effect is the same as if you				had called System.setProperty before starting Resin.												<caucho.com>				  <system-property foo=bar/>				</caucho.com>																				Adds a Java security provider without modifying the java.security.												<caucho.com>				  <security-provider id='com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.Provider'/>				</caucho.com>																				Enables the a Java security manager.  Normal configurations will				not use a security manager, because the security manager slows performance.				ISPs may want to add a security-manager to prevent some actions by				the clients.								By default, all web-apps have read/write/delete access				to the entire web-app.												<caucho.com>				  <security-manager/>				  ...				</caucho.com>																				Sets Unix user.  To listen to port 80, Unix systems require Resin				to start as root.  user-name lets the server change to a safer user after				listening to port 80.												<caucho.com>				  <user-name>httpd</user-name>				  <group-name>daemon</group-name>				</caucho.com>																																								caucho.com ::= java,				               log*,				               smtp.vfs,				               user-name,				               group-name,				               system-property*,				               security-provider,				               security-manager,				               http-server								java ::= compiler,				         compiler-args,				         encoding,				         classpath				         max-compile-time								log ::= href,				        timestamp,				        rollover-count,				        rollover-period																											
