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																												Database configuration in the resin.conf uses  to put				the DataSource in a JNDI context.  The JNDI				configuration page gives a more general description of using JNDI				in Resin.  The DataSource is the JDBC 2.0 factory to get new				database connections.  Each web-app can configure its own database pool.				Hosts can share a database pool by putting the resource-ref in				the <host> block and the entire server can share a database pool				by putting the resource-ref in the <http-server> block.																The driver classes can be in WEB-INF/lib or WEB-INF/classes,				although it's a better idea to put it in the global classpath or resin2.0/lib.																AttributeMeaning				res-ref-nameJNDI path attribute to store the pool.  The path is relative to java:comp/env.				res-typejavax.sql.XADataSource for transaction-aware database pools and javax.sql.DataSource for non-transactional pools.				init-paramExtra parameters for the data source.																AttributeMeaning				driver-nameThe Java classname of the driver.				urlThe driver specific database url.				data-sourceUse a defined PooledDataSource or XADataSource				instead of using the driver directly.												Here's a sample minimal resin.conf fragment to bind a DBPool-based				database to the JNDI path "java:comp/env/jdbc/test".  The examples				below show how that JNDI path will be used.												<resource-ref>				  <res-ref-name>jdbc/test</res-ref-name>				  <res-type>javax.sql.DataSource</res-type>				  <init-param driver-name="com.caucho.jdbc.mysql.Driver"/>				  <init-param url="jdbc:mysql-caucho://localhost:3306/test"/>				</resource-ref>																																MySql (Caucho driver)				driver-namecom.caucho.jdbc.mysql.Driver				urljdbc:mysql-caucho://localhost:3306/test				MySql (mm.mysql driver)				driver-nameorg.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver				urljdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test				Oracle (thin driver)				driver-nameoracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver				urljdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:test				Postgres				driver-nameorg.postgresql.Driver				urljdbc:postgresql://localhost/test																																AttributeMeaningDefault				max-connectionsMaximum number of allowed connections20				max-idle-timeMaximum time an idle connection is kept in				the pool30 sec				max-active-timeMaximum time a connection allowed to be active				6 hours				max-pool-timeMaximum time a connection is kept in				the pool24 hours				connection-wait-timeHow long to wait for an idle				connection (Resin 1.2.3)10 minutes				max-overflow-connectionsHow many "overflow" connection are allowed if the connection wait times out.0												All times default to seconds, but can use longer time periods:												sseconds				mminutes				hhours				Ddays																												Some applications, including any applications using EJB or Resin-CMP,				need transaction-aware database pools.  A transaction-aware database				pool will participate in any transaction, either handled by EJB or				using the UserTransactoin API.  A non-transaction-aware database will				ignore any transaction.								Transaction-aware databases use XADataSource for their				configuration.  Non-transaction-aware databases use DataSource				for the configuration.																								Resin's database pool can test if the pooled database connection				is still alive by configuring a  query.  The database connection				may become stale if the database is restarted, possibly for maintenance.				Normally when a database connection is returned to the pool it will wait				there until the next request.  If the database goes down in the meantime,				the connection will become stale.  The  configuration can test				the database connection.								When pinging, Resin's DBPool will test a table specified with the				 parameter.  For a ping-table of my_table, Resin will				use a query like the following:												SELECT 1 FROM my_table												There are three ping modes: ping-on-free, ping-on-idle, and				ping-on-reuse.  ping-on-free tests the database when the connection is				returned to the database pool, ping-on-idle tests the connection when				it's in the idle pool, and ping-on-reuse tests the connection just				before using the connection.												AttributeMeaningDefault				ping-tableThe database table used to "ping", checking that				the connection is still live.n/a				ping-on-reuseTest for live connections before allocating				them from the pool.false				ping-on-freeTest for live connections before replacing				them in the pool.false				ping-on-idlePeriodically test connections in the poolfalse				ping-intervalHow often to ping for ping-on-idle60s												If the database had a table , you could				configure the pool to check idle connections as follows:												<resource-ref>				  <res-ref-name>jdbc/test</res-ref-name>				  <res-type>javax.sql.DataSource</res-type>				  <init-param driver-name="com.caucho.jdbc.mysql.Driver"/>				  <init-param url="jdbc:mysql-caucho://localhost:3306/test"/>				  <init-param ping-table="my_table"/>				  <init-param ping-on-idle="true"/>				</resource-ref>												You can test the database reliability using the following steps:																Configure the database with ping-table and ping-on-idle.				Execute some servlet that queries the database.				Restart the database server.				Execute another servlet that queries the database.																												The experimental Caucho MySql driver includes one special init-param				to configure the character encoding:												PropertyMeaningDefault				encodingcharacter encodingISO-8859-1																																												The following is a sample design pattern for getting new database				connections.  The  block is very important.  Without				the close in the finally block, Resin's database pool can loose connections.																package test;								import java.io.*;								import java.sql.*;				import javax.servlet.*;				import javax.servlet.http.*;				import javax.naming.*;				import javax.sql.*;								public class TestDatabase extends HttpServlet {				  DataSource pool;								  public void init()				    throws ServletException				  {				    try {				      Context env = (Context) new InitialContext().lookup("java:comp/env");								      pool = (DataSource) env.lookup("jdbc/test");								      if (pool == null)				        throw new ServletException("`jdbc/test' is an unknown DataSource");				    } catch (NamingException e) {				      throw new ServletException(e);				    }				  }								  public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req,				                    HttpServletResponse res)				    throws IOException, ServletException				  {				    res.setContentType("text/html");				    PrintWriter out = res.getWriter();								    Connection conn = null;				    try {				      conn = pool.getConnection();								      Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();								      ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("select NAME, PRICE from BROOMS");								      out.println("Brooms:<br>");				      while (rs.next()) {				        out.print(rs.getString(1));				        out.print(" ");				        out.print(rs.getInt(2));				        out.println("<br>");				      }								      rs.close();				      stmt.close();				    } catch (SQLException e) {				      throw new ServletException(e);				    } finally {				      try {				        if (conn != null)				          conn.close();				      } catch (SQLException e) {				      }				    }				  }				}																												The following is a sample design pattern for using database using				JSP.												<%@ page import='java.sql.*, javax.sql.*, javax.naming.*' %>				<%				Context ic = new InitialContext();				DataSource ds = (DataSource) ic.lookup("java:comp/env/jdbc/test");								Connection conn = ds.getConnection();								try {				  Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();				  ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("select NAME, PRICE from BROOMS");								  %><h2>Brooms:</h2><%				    while (rs.next()) { %>				<%= rs.getString(1) %> <%= rs.getString(2) %><br><%				  }				} finally {				  conn.close();				}				%>												In many cases, it will be easier to use a tag library to simplify				the JSP.																								The following is a sample design pattern for using database using				javascript and JSP.  Resin will automatically close the connection, so				there's no need for a finally block.												<%@ page language='javascript' %>				<%				var conn = Database("jdbc/test");								var rs = conn.query("select NAME, PRICE from BROOMS");								out.writeln("<h2>Brooms:</h2>");				while (rs.next()) {				  out.write(rs.get(1));				  out.write(" ");				  out.write(rs.get(2));				  out.writeln("<br>");				}				%>																											
