Here is a sample session with textsearch Search for 'lactose': % textsearch tsw:* 'lactose' Search sequence documentation. Slow, use SRS and Entrez! Output file [100k_rat.textsearch]: Go to the input files for this exampleGo to the output files for this example Example 2 Search for 'lactose' or 'permease' in E.coli proteins: % textsearch tsw:*_ecoli 'lactose | permease' Search sequence documentation. Slow, use SRS and Entrez! Output file [laci_ecoli.textsearch]: Go to the output files for this example Example 3 Output a search for 'lacz' formatted with HTML to a file: % textsearch tembl:* 'lacz' -html -outfile embl.lacz.html Search sequence documentation. Slow, use SRS and Entrez! Go to the input files for this exampleGo to the output files for this example