源代码在线查看: textsearch.output
Output files for usage example File: 100k_rat.textsearch # Search for: lactose tsw-id:LACI_ECOLI LACI_ECOLI P03023 LACTOSE OPERON REPRESSOR. tsw-id:LACY_ECOLI LACY_ECOLI P02920 LACTOSE PERMEASE (LACTOSE-PROTON SYMPORT). Output files for usage example 2 File: laci_ecoli.textsearch # Search for: lactose | permease tsw-id:LACI_ECOLI LACI_ECOLI P03023 LACTOSE OPERON REPRESSOR. tsw-id:LACY_ECOLI LACY_ECOLI P02920 LACTOSE PERMEASE (LACTOSE-PROTON SYMPORT). Output files for usage example 3 File: embl.lacz.html Search for: lacz tembl-id:ECLACECLACJ01636 E.coli lactose operon with lacI, lacZ, lacY and lacA genes. tembl-id:ECLACZECLACZV00296 E. coli gene lacZ coding for beta-galactosidase (EC