
源代码在线查看: example 6-13.asm

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关键词: TI_DSP 算法 音频处理 中的应用
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				; Example 6 - 13. DLMS Implementation ASM Listing for the TMS320C55x DSP
				; Version 2.40.00                                           
				; Function:	dlms
				; Processor:   C55xx
				; Description: dlms fir filter
				; Usage: short oflag = dlms(DATA *h, DATA *x, DATA *r, DATA *des,
				;			DATA *dbuffer, DATA step, ushort nh, ushort nx)
				; ...where
				;	h[nh]		Pointer to coefficient vector of size nh
				;			- h is stored in reverse order: h(n-1), ... h(0)
				;	x[nx]		Pointer to input vector of size nx
				;	r[xn]		Pointer to output data vector.
				;			- r can be equal to x
				;	des[nx]		Pointer to expected-output array
				;	dbuffer[nh+2]	Pointer to delay buffer structure
				;			- first element of structure is index into array
				;			  of OLDEST data (to be overwritten with new)
				;			- remaining elements are modulo-addressed for
				;			  sample 0 to nh. NOTE that this delay buffer
				;			  yields an array length of nh+1, which is used
				;			  for Dual-MAC operations(not used here).
				;	step		Scale factor to control adaptation rate = 2*mu
				;	nh		Number of filter coefficients. Filter order = nh-1.
				;	nx		Number of input samples to process (length of input
				;			and output data vectors).
				;	oflag	Overflow Flag
				;			- If oflag = 1, a 32-bit overflow has occured
				;			- If oflag = 0, a 32-bit overflow has not occured
				;  Copyright Texas instruments Inc, 2000
				; History:
				; 2.10	Rishi  08/03/2001 - optimized the code for benchmark.
						.length 32767
					.asg	0, save_T3		; 2*mu*error(i) variable
					.asg	1, save_AR5
					.asg	2, ret_addr
					.asg	3, arg_nx
				; register usage
				;	XAR0-XAR4, T0 & T1 as well as accumulators are all available to callee
				;	XAR0 through XAR4 are already loaded with *x, *h, *r, *des and *dbuffer
				;	 respectively upon entry.
				;	While T0 and T1 are loaded with the values of STEP and NH, respectively
					.asg	ar0, ar_input
					.asg	ar1, ar_coef
					.asg	ar2, ar_output
					.asg	ar3, ar_des
					.asg	ar4, ar_dbuffer
					.asg	ar5, ar_data
					.asg	T0, T_step
					.asg	T1, T_nh
					.def	_dlms
				; Preserve registers
					PSH T3, AR5					;AR5 will be used for the index into dbuffer
												;T3 is needed for LMS instruction
				; Set math and overflow modes
				; Status registers
					MOV #0, mmap(ST0_55)		;all fields cleared (OVx, C, TCx)
					OR #4140h, mmap(ST1_55)	;set CPL, FRCT, SXMD
					AND #07940h, mmap(ST1_55)	;clear BRAF, M40, SATD, C16, 54CM, ASM
					OR #0022h, mmap(ST2_55)	;AR1 & AR5 pointers put in circular mode
					BCLR ARMS					;disable ARMS bit in ST2
					BCLR SST					;make sure Saturate-on-STore bit in ST3 is disabled
				; Get arguments
					MOV *ar_dbuffer+, ar_data	;set AR5 to index in data array
												; of oldest input sample
					MOV mmap(AR4), BSA45		;set BSA45 to start of data buffer
												; NOTE that this is the SECOND
												; element of the dbuffer structure
					MOV mmap(AR1), BSA01		;copy start of coeffs to BSA01
					MOV #0, ar_coef 			;...then set AR0 to zero (1st coeff)
					ADD #-1, *SP(arg_nx)		;sub 1 from # of inputs for loopcount
					MOV *SP(arg_nx), BRC0		;set outer loop to number of inputs-1
					MOV mmap(T_nh), BK03		;load BK03 with # of coeffs for use w/ AR2
					AADD #1, T_nh
					MOV mmap(T_nh), BK47		;load BK03 with # of data samples (nh+1)
												; in delay-line for use w/ AR4
					ASUB #3, T_nh
					MOV mmap(T_nh), BRC1		;set inner loop to number of coeffs-2
				; Loop through input data stream
					MOV #0, AC1					;clear AC1 for initial error term
				 ||	RPTBLOCAL Outer_End-1			;...while starting outer loop
					 MOV  HI(AC1), T3			;place error term in T3
					 MOV *ar_input+, *ar_data+	;copy input -> state(0)
					 MPYM *ar_data+, T3, AC0	;place first update term in AC0
				 ||	 MOV #0, AC1				;...while clearing FIR value
					 LMS *ar_coef, *ar_data, AC0, AC1	;AC0 = update coef
												;AC1 = start of FIR output
				 ||  RPTBLOCAL Inner_End-1			;...while starting inner loop
					  MOV HI(AC0), *ar_coef+	;store updated coef
				 ||	  MPYM *ar_data+, T3, AC0	;...while calculating next update term
					  LMS *ar_coef, *ar_data, AC0, AC1	;AC0 = update coef
									;AC1 = update of FIR output
					 MOV HI(AC0), *ar_coef+		;store updated coef
				 ||	 MOV rnd(HI(AC1)), *ar_output+	;...and store FIR output
					 SUB AC1, *ar_des+ 				 ||	 AMAR *ar_data+				;point to oldest data sample
					MPYR T_step, AC2, AC1		;place updated mu_error term in AC1
					MOV ar_data, *-ar_dbuffer	;dbuffer.index = index of oldest data
				; Return overflow flag
				; --------------------
				    ||	MOV #0, T0				;store zero for return value
					XCCPART OvrFlow, overflow(AC1)
				    || 	MOV #1, T0				;return value 1 if overflow was encountered
				; Restore stack to previous value
				; Reset status regs to restore normal C operating environment
				; Return to calling function
					POP T3, AR5
				;NO presumed values in ST0 by C-environment
					BCLR FRCT					;clear FRCT bit in ST1 for C-environment
					BSET ARMS					;set ARMS bit for C-environment
					AND #0F800h, mmap(ST2_55) 	;all pointers put in linear mode
				;No presumed values of ST3 were modified
					RET							;return to calling function
				;end of file. please do not remove. it is left here to ensure that no lines of code are removed by any editor			
