Set/Get internal character encoding mb_http_output mb_language Multibyte String Functions PHP Manual mb_internal_encoding (PHP 4 >= 4.0.6, PHP 5)mb_internal_encoding — Set/Get internal character encoding Description mixed mb_internal_encoding ([ string $encoding ] ) Set/Get the internal character encoding Parameters encoding encoding is the character encoding name used for the HTTP input character encoding conversion, HTTP output character encoding conversion, and the default character encoding for string functions defined by the mbstring module. Return Values If encoding is set, then Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. If encoding is omitted, then the current character encoding name is returned. Examples Example #1 mb_internal_encoding() example <?php/* Set internal character encoding to UTF-8 */mb_internal_encoding("UTF-8");/* Display current internal character encoding */echo mb_internal_encoding();?> Notes Note: The internal encoding or the character encoding specified by mb_regex_encoding() will be used as the character encoding for this function. See Also mb_http_input() mb_http_output() mb_detect_order() mb_http_output mb_language Multibyte String Functions PHP Manual