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												 				  Callback function converts character encoding in output buffer				  				 				 				 mb_list_encodings				 mb_parse_str				 Multibyte String Functions				 PHP Manual								 				  mb_output_handler				  (PHP 4 >= 4.0.6, PHP 5)mb_output_handler — Callback function converts character encoding in output buffer				 				 				   				 				  Description				  				   string mb_output_handler				    ( string $contents				   , int $status				   )								  				   mb_output_handler() is				   ob_start() callback				   function. mb_output_handler() converts				   characters in the output buffer from internal character encoding to				   HTTP output character encoding. 				  				 												 				  Parameters				  				   								    								     contents												     								      				       The contents of the output buffer.				      				     								    								    								     status												     								      				       The status of the output buffer.				      				     								    								   								  				 								 				 				  Return Values				  				   The converted string.				  				 												 				  ChangeLog				  				   				    								     				      				       Version				       Description				      								     								     				      				       4.1.0				       				        				         This handler now adds the charset HTTP header when the following conditions are met:				        				        				         				          				           				            Does not set Content-Type, using header().				           				          				          				           				            The default MIME type begins with text/.				           				          				          				           				            The mbstring.http_input 				            setting is something other than pass.				           				          				         				        				       				      								     				    								   				  				 												 				  Examples				  				   				    Example #1 mb_output_handler() example				    								<?phpmb_http_output("UTF-8");ob_start("mb_output_handler");?>												    								   				  				 												 				  Notes				  Note: 				   				    If you want to output some binary data such as image from PHP				    script with PHP 4.3.0 or later, Content-Type: header must be send				    using header() before any binary data was send				    to client (e.g. header("Content-Type: image/png")).				    If Content-Type: header was send, output character encoding				    conversion will not be performed.				   				   				    Note that if 'Content-Type: text/*' was send using				    header(), the sending data is regarded as text,				    encoding conversion will be performed using character encoding				    settings.				   				   				    If you want to output some binary data such as image from PHP				    script with PHP 4.2.x or earlier, you must set output encoding to				    "pass" using mb_http_output().				   				  				 								 				 				  See Also				  				   				    ob_start()				   				  				 																 mb_list_encodings				 mb_parse_str				 Multibyte String Functions				 PHP Manual											
