Fetches the next row from a result set as an object sqlite_fetch_column_types sqlite_fetch_single SQLite Functions PHP Manual sqlite_fetch_object SQLiteResult->fetchObject SQLiteUnbuffered->fetchObject (PHP 5)sqlite_fetch_object -- SQLiteResult->fetchObject -- SQLiteUnbuffered->fetchObject — Fetches the next row from a result set as an object Description object sqlite_fetch_object ( resource $result [, string $class_name [, array $ctor_params [, bool $decode_binary ]]] ) Object oriented style (method): SQLiteResult object fetchObject ([ string $class_name [, array $ctor_params [, bool $decode_binary ]]] ) SQLiteUnbuffered object fetchObject ([ string $class_name [, array $ctor_params [, bool $decode_binary ]]] ) WarningThis function is currently not documented; only its argument list is available. sqlite_fetch_column_types sqlite_fetch_single SQLite Functions PHP Manual