
源代码在线查看: function.sqlite-fetch-object.html

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关键词: php PHP 文档 实际应用
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												 				  Fetches the next row from a result set as an object				  				 				 				 sqlite_fetch_column_types				 sqlite_fetch_single				 SQLite Functions				 PHP Manual								 				  sqlite_fetch_object				  SQLiteResult->fetchObject				  SQLiteUnbuffered->fetchObject				  (PHP 5)sqlite_fetch_object -- SQLiteResult->fetchObject -- SQLiteUnbuffered->fetchObject — Fetches the next row from a result set as an object								 								 				  Description				  				   object sqlite_fetch_object				    ( resource $result				   [, string $class_name				   [, array $ctor_params				   [, bool $decode_binary				  ]]] )								  Object oriented style (method):				  				   SQLiteResult				   				    object fetchObject				     ([ string $class_name				    [, array $ctor_params				    [, bool $decode_binary				   ]]] )								  				  				   SQLiteUnbuffered				   				    object fetchObject				     ([ string $class_name				    [, array $ctor_params				    [, bool $decode_binary				   ]]] )								  								  WarningThis function is				currently not documented; only its argument list is available.												 												 sqlite_fetch_column_types				 sqlite_fetch_single				 SQLite Functions				 PHP Manual											
