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												 				  Fetch a result row as an object				  				 				 				 odbc_fetch_into				 odbc_fetch_row				 ODBC Functions				 PHP Manual								 				  odbc_fetch_object				  (PHP 4 >= 4.0.2, PHP 5)odbc_fetch_object — Fetch a result row as an object								 								 				  Description				  				   object odbc_fetch_object				    ( resource $result				   [, int $rownumber				  ] )								  				   Fetch an object from an ODBC query. See the changelog below				   for when this function is available.				  				 												 				  Parameters				  				   								    								     result												     								      				       The result resource from odbc_exec().				      				     								    								    								     rownumber												     								      				       Optionally choose which row number to retrieve.				      				     								    								   								  				 												 				  Return Values				  				   Returns an object that corresponds to the fetched row, or FALSE if there 				   are no more rows.				  				 												 				  ChangeLog				  				   				    								     				      				       Version				       Description				      								     								     				      				       4.3.3				       				        This function exists when compiled with IBM DB2 or UnixODBC support.				       				      								      				       4.3.2				       				        This function exists when compiled for Windows.				       				      								      				       4.0.2				       				        This function exists when compiled with DBMaker support.				       				      								     				    								   				  				 												 				  See Also				  				   				    odbc_fetch_row()				    odbc_fetch_array()				    odbc_num_rows()				   				  				 												 odbc_fetch_into				 odbc_fetch_row				 ODBC Functions				 PHP Manual											
